\n \n

\n {title}\n {target && }\n

\n {children}\n
\n );\n};\n\nexport default Accordion;\n","import { EVIDENTIAL_DOCS_MATRIX_INTERMEDIARY } from \"../evidential_docs_matrix_intermediary.data\";\n\nexport const IncomeJsonData = {\n title: \"Income\",\n accordionList: [\n {\n id: \"loantoincome(lti)\",\n title: \"Loan to Income (LTI)\",\n filterTerm:\n \"income self-employment, self employment, self-employment, furlough, june_2021, sept_2021, multiples, borrow, amount, how much can my client borrow, november_2022\",\n children: [\n '
LTVSalaryMaximum Income Multiple
85% or lessLess than £45,0004.49
£45,000 up to (but not including) £100,0004.75
£100,000 and above5.50
Greater than 85%All income4.49

Note: Income is gross total income (or joint gross total income)

For income in a Foreign currency other than GBP, the amount should be converted using an appropriate currency conversion tool and input the gross income in GBP in the application.

Non-UK residents must have a minimum income of £75,000 (excluding bonus, commission and overtime). For joint applications – at least one applicant must have an individual income of £75,000 (excluding bonus, commission and overtime).

For interest only loans, customers must have an annual minimum income of £75,000. For more information, see the Interest only section of our lending criteria.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n id: \"incomefromemployment\",\n title: \"Income from employment\",\n filterTerm:\n \"income, income from employment, salary, multiples employment,income multiples, salary multiples, feb_2021, august_2022, basic, employed, allowances, overtime, tips, commission, fixed term contract, 6 month contract, contracts, sub contracts, maternity pay, parental leave, paternity pay, new to role, just started, august 2022, august 2022, cis, contractor, sub-contractor, sub contractor, umbrella\",\n children: [\n '

Income needs to be current, regular and consistent. Income can only be used where it is considered likely that a similar level of income will be received for the full term of the mortgage.

For information on maximum income multiples, please see the Loan to Income section.

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CriteriaProof required

Basic income

Gross income is defined as basic salary plus any permanent allowances (e.g. car, territorial allowances) and is used to calculate net monthly pay after income tax and national insurance deductions.
  • The latest one months\\' worth of payslips for all customers.
    • Where the date(s) on the payslip(s) shows as DD/MM/YYYY, all dates must be within 35 days of the application
    • Where the date on the payslip shows as MM/YYYY, we will accept the payslip(s) which can be either dated in the current or previous calendar month
    • Undated payslips are not acceptable
Where a customer is unable to evidence their basic income in accordance with these requirements, the application will not be able to proceed.

See ' +\n EVIDENTIAL_DOCS_MATRIX_INTERMEDIARY.title +\n '\"Ext\"/ for variations subject to frequency of pay.

See Income and Allowance Matrix\"Ext\"/, for confirmation of acceptable basic income, permanent allowance, shift allowance and variable income.

Top-up salaries

These can be used where the applicant can prove that the top-up salary is a guaranteed contractual entitlement. Please note, previous years\\' bonuses cannot be used in the income assessment.
Latest 1 months\\' worth of payslips in line with basic income requirements.

Bonuses, overtime and commission

Where overtime, bonuses and other allowances are shown to be regular, a maximum of 60% of the average amount received can be considered guaranteed income.

Variable income is accepted when received on a weekly, fortnightly, four-weekly, monthly, quarterly, six-monthly or annual basis.
  • If paid weekly, fortnightly, four weekly, monthly or quarterly, the average of bonus, overtime and commission can be used.
  • If paid six monthly or annually, the average or the latest year’s figure (if this is lower) of bonus, overtime and commission can be used.
Please note: In order to utilise variable income this must have been paid:
  • Quarterly – within the last three months
  • Half-yearly – within the last six months
  • Annually – within the last twelve months.

Please be aware that any bonus income can only be considered if paid as cash (we could not consider bonus income that has been diverted or sacrificed, e.g. sacrificed to a pension).
Payslip(s) – see ' +\n EVIDENTIAL_DOCS_MATRIX_INTERMEDIARY.title +\n '\"Ext\"/ for variations subject to frequency of pay.

See Income and Allowance Matrix\"Ext\"/, for confirmation of acceptable basic income, permanent allowance, shift allowance and variable income.

Employment allowances

If the customer receives a shift allowance, car allowance or large town allowance that is fixed and guaranteed, 100% can be used as income.
Payslip(s) – see ' +\n EVIDENTIAL_DOCS_MATRIX_INTERMEDIARY.title +\n '\"Ext\"/ for variations subject to frequency of pay

See Income and Allowance Matrix\"Ext\"/, for confirmation of acceptable basic income, permanent allowance, shift allowance and variable income.

Fixed-term contracts

Applicants must have been employed for a minimum of 12 months or more current continuous service in the same type of employment via contracts OR;

If they have not, a minimum of 6 months or more current continuous service via contracts in the same type of employment with at least 12 months remaining on their current contract.

Any gaps between contracts, in the last 12 months, can total no more than 6 weeks.

Please note: Applicants are treated as employed contractors unless they pay their own tax

The latest one months\\' worth of payslips in line with basic income requirements
Any bonus, overtime, commission must be evidenced in line with the Bonus/Overtime/Commission policy

Sub-Contractors (SC) including Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) Contractors and individuals working for an Umbrella Company

Contractors who will pay their own tax will be treated as Self-Employed

Sole Traders/Partnerships: Refer to the evidential documentation requirements for Sole Traders/Partnerships (including LLP with fewer than 200 partners)

Limited Companies: Refer to the evidential documentation requirements for Limited Companies
  • Latest P60 AND;
  • Last current contract of employment
  • The latest one months’ worth of payslips in line with the basic income requirements
The latest P60 compared to the annualised figure from the latest months’ worth of payslips will be used in the affordability assessment.
  • If the figure from the latest P60 is lower than the annualised figure from the latest months’ worth of payslips, then the latest P60 figure will be used.
  • If the annualised figure from the latest months’ worth of payslips is lower than the latest P60, then the annualised figure will be used.

Please note: Previous contracts may also be requested in order to verify same employment track record.

Zero-Hour contracts and agency workers, including NHS bank work and Locums

Applicants must have been employed for a minimum of 12 months or more with the same employer, as evidenced by the latest P60.

The last three months\\' worth of payslips in line with basic income requirements.
Any bonus, overtime, commission must be evidenced in line with the Bonus/Overtime/Commission policy.
  • Latest P60 AND
  • Last 3 months\\' payslips, the most recent must be in line with Basic Salary requirements
The latest P60 compared to the annualised figure from the average of the last three months’ worth of payslips will be used in the affordability assessment.
  • If the figure from the latest P60 is lower than the annualised figure from the last three months’ worth of payslips, then the latest P60 figure will be used.
  • If the annualised figure from the last three months’ worth of payslips is lower than the latest P60, then the annualised figure will be used.
  • For weekly or fortnightly paid customers, income used should be the lower of the amount on the latest P60 or the annualised amount calculated from the average of the last 6 payslips.

Second jobs

Income from a second job can only be used where it is considered likely that a similar level of income will be received for the full term of the mortgage.

We would also take into account the number of hours worked and the sustainability of the applicant having two jobs.
Evidence in line with basic income criteria

Parental Leave (Maternity/Paternity)

Where any applicant is on, or is about to commence a known period of parental leave, for the purposes of assessing affordability, the overall lending assessment will be based on the \"return to work\" income details.
  • Where the customer advises they will return to work on the same terms, the normal (pre-parental leave) income can be used. Any future child care costs should be incorporated in the affordability assessment
  • Where the customer advises they will return to work on reduced hours, the reduced income and/or future child care costs should be incorporated in the affordability assessment. This should be done on a pro-rata basis based on previous income
  • Where the applicant indicates that they do not intend to return to work, or have yet to make up their mind, affordability must be assessed discounting their income
  • In all cases, the known period of parental leave and how the customer(s) intend to maintain the mortgage payments and subsidise commitments/lifestyle whilst on parental leave must form part of the affordability assessment, i.e. employee benefits, Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP), partner\\'s income (where party to the mortgage), savings, etc.
  • All dependent children including the new addition/s, should be included within the application
  • The latest one months\\' worth of payslips in line with Basic Salary requirements. For customers already on parental leave, where the full annual income is not evident on the latest months\\' worth of payslips, the latest one months\\' worth of payslips received prior to commencement of leave will be required.

Other Leave (i.e. reduced income for a defined period of time)

Where any applicant is on, or is about to commence a known period of leave, for the purposes of assessing affordability, the overall lending assessment will be based on the \"return to work\" income details.
  • Where the customer advises they will return to work on the same terms, the normal (pre-leave) income can be used where supported by an employer\\'s letter
  • Where the customer advises they will return to work on reduced hours, the reduced income should be included. This should be done on a pro-rata basis based on previous income and supported by an employer\\'s letter
  • Where the applicant indicates that they do not intend to return to work, or have yet to make up their mind, affordability must be assessed discounting their income
  • In all cases, the known period of leave and how the customer(s) intends to maintain the mortgage payments and subsidise commitments/lifestyle whilst on leave must form part of the affordability assessment, i.e. employee benefits, partner\\'s income (where party to the mortgage), savings, etc.
  • The latest one months\\' worth of payslips in line with basic income requirements
  • A letter from the employer confirming when the customer is returning to work, full income details (including pre-leave income) and working hours

New Employment (commenced within the last 6 months)/Probationary Periods

A copy of the contract of employment is required to establish whether a permanent contract or temporary term contract is held.
  • Permanent Contract – Where the applicant is in permanent employment and the contract states an initial probationary period, the income should be treated as “Employed Income” in accordance with the Income from employment policy and used in the affordability assessment
  • Temporary Contract (fixed term contract) – Where the applicant is working on a temporary contract at the end of which the employer has the option to determine if a permanent contract will be offered, then the income will not be considered in the affordability assessment, unless the Fixed Term Contract policy is met.

Customers who have started new employment or starting new employment with a different employer within 3 months of applying for a mortgage and are unable to provide their first payslip, in accordance with the Employed Income/Evidence required policy will be considered providing the difference in basic salary between the new employment and previous/current employment is equal to or less than 20%
Where the customer has not received their first payslip, their open-ended Contract of Employment or letter of appointment from the new employer can be used together with the latest payslip from their previous/current employment

Where the difference in basic salary between the new employment and previous/current employment is an increase greater than 20% then we need to comply with the current policy whereby the first payslip from the new employment will be required.
The latest payslip from their previous/current employment should be in line with basic income requirements

We will also consider applications where the customer will receive a decreased salary, in these cases the lower salary should be input.

Pay Rise/Promotion – not yet reflected on payslip(s)

Annual Pay Increase (less than or equal to 5 per cent of the customer\\'s evidenced income) OR Promotion Pay Increase (less than or equal to 20 per cent of the customer\\'s evidenced income)
  • The latest one months\\' worth of payslips in line with basic income requirements
  • Letter from Employer to confirm new salary
Note: In all circumstances the customer must provide evidence of their previous salary in accordance with the basic income policy and the increase must be payable within 3 months of the application.

Job offers

A copy of the contract of employment is required to establish whether a permanent contract or temporary term contract is held.
  • Permanent Contract – Where the applicant is in permanent employment and the contract states an initial probationary period, the income should be treated as ‘Employed Income’ in accordance with the Income from employment policy and used in the affordability assessment.
  • Temporary Contract (Fixed Term Contract) – Where the applicant is working on a temporary contract at the end of which the employer has the option to determine if a permanent contract will be offered, then the income will not be considered in the affordability assessment, unless the Fixed Term Contract policy is met.
The latest one months’ worth of payslips in line with the basic income requirements.

Customers who have started new employment or starting new employment with a different employer within 3 months of applying for a mortgage and are unable to provide their first payslip, in accordance with the Employed Income/Evidence required policy will be considered providing the difference in basic salary between the new employment and previous/current employment is equal to or less than 20%. Where the customer has not received their first payslip, their open-ended Contract of Employment or letter of appointment from the new employer can be used together with the latest payslip from their previous/current employment

Where the difference in basic salary between the new employment and previous/current employment is greater than 20% then we need to comply with the current policy whereby the first payslip from the new employment will be required. The latest payslip from their previous/current employment should be in line with basic income requirements

We will also consider applications where the customer will receive a decreased salary, in these cases the lower salary should be input.
',\n ],\n },\n {\n id: \"incomefromself-employment\",\n title: \"Income from self-employment\",\n filterTerm:\n \"income self-employment, income, self employment, august_2021, sept_2021, may_2022, dividends, profit, accountants, director, trader, sole trader, tax calculations, statements, overview, trading\",\n children: [\n '

How we assess the application

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We will accept self-employed incomes which include government Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant income.

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For information on maximum income multiples, please see the Loan to Income section.

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Please note: Please note: Tax Calculations can be an online print out from HMRC website, an SA302 or the computation produced by the customer’s accountant using commercial software and submitted to HMRC.

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The latest HMRC documentation/accounts must be dated within the last 18 months.

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Where a customer is self employed for multiple companies and these are not linked via a holding company, we would still need a view of all the accounts as there could be companies making a loss, impacting the customers overall income level/ sustainability of the income.

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CriteriaEvidential Documents Required
Sole trader

We will consider the average net profit over the last 2 years. However, if the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used
  • Last two years’ tax calculations (SA302) and corresponding tax year overviews dated within the last 18 months
Additional information (i.e. business bank statements, further HMRC documentation) may be required by the underwriter to support the application.

We will consider the average of the applicant\\'s share of the net profit over the last 2 years. However, if the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used.
  • Last two years’ tax calculations (SA302) and corresponding tax year overviews dated within the last 18 months
Additional information (i.e. business bank statements, further HMRC documentation) may be required by the underwriter to support the application.
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP’s) with less than 200 partners

We will consider the average of the applicant\\'s share of the net profit over the last 2 years. However, if the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used.
  • Last two years’ tax calculations (SA302) and corresponding tax year overviews dated within the last 18 months
Additional information (i.e. business bank statements, further HMRC documentation) may be required by the underwriter to support the application.
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP’s) with 200 or more partners

We will consider the average of the applicant\\'s share of the net profit over the last 2 years. However, if the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used.
  • Letter issued by either the company Finance Director or Accountant dated in the last three months, detailing the customer’s earnings over the last two years
Limited Companies

We will consider the applicant\\'s share of net profit after corporation tax averaged over the last 2 years, along with their salary (often referred to as director\\'s remuneration or emoluments) averaged over the last 2 years. If the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used.
  • Last two years’ finalised financial accounts, the latest of which must be dated within the last 18 months

Additional information (i.e. business bank statements, further HMRC documentation) may be required by the underwriter to support the application.

As part of our Underwriting checks, we will validate the information provided by undertaking a check on Companies House. As such there is no longer a requirement for all accounts to be signed.
Please note, a Companies House search will not be available for International customers who provide financial accounts for a Limited Company based overseas, therefore the finalised financial accounts must be signed by an accountant to meet our self-employed policy.
If there are multiple directors within the business, and the financial accounts do not confirm the distribution of salary to each director, then evidence will be required from either
  • The last two years P60\\'s
  • OR
  • Last two years’ tax calculations (SA302) and corresponding tax year overviews dated within the last 18 months
Company Director with less than 25% shareholding
  • Will be classed as employed, applying employed policy for assessing and evidencing income (i.e. basic income requirements).

Applications that meet affordability on employed income should not have net profit details included in the assessment.

Please note: where the application fails affordability based on employed income alone, the application can be progressed using both employed income and net profit. Where net profit is required for affordability, the application must be evidenced in line with the self-employed income policy requirements.

Company director with 25% or more shareholding
  • Will be classed as self-employed applying self-employed policy for assessing and evidencing income.

If there are multiple directors within the business, and the financial accounts do not confirm the distribution of salary to each director, then evidence will be required from either;

  • The last two years P60\\'s
  • Last two years’ tax calculations (SA302) and corresponding tax year overviews dated within the last 18 months
Customers trading for less than two years or do not have the first two years trading accounts

The one year’s finalised financial accounts or HMRC documentation will be averaged over a 2 year period for the affordability assessment

For new business entities (i.e. trading for less than two years), we will consider applications for all customers based upon a minimum of:

  • One year’s finalised financial accounts or HMRC documentation (Tax Calculation/SA302 and corresponding Tax Year Overview)
  • Latest three months’ worth of business bank statements

The primary concern with new businesses will be gauging the ability of the applicant to meet the regular monthly payments as they fall due.

Applications will be assessed on an individual basis and careful consideration should be given to:

  • the applicant\\'s employment record prior to becoming self-employed;
  • the applicant\\'s future work prospects, should the business venture fail
Customers trading for less than two years or do not have the first two years trading accounts - LLPs with 200 or more partners
  • A letter issued by either the company finance director or accountant (the letter must detail the customer’s earnings over the last year and be dated within the last three months)
For customers where there is a change in the business entity of an existing business within the last two years

Where an existing business continues trading but as a different business entity and does not have two years financial accounts/HMRC documentation as the new business entity.
The new business entity must be a continuation of the old business i.e. the only change is the trading name. For an entirely new business or where the ownership of an existing business changes the “Customers trading for less than two years” policy must be followed
Sole trader/Partnership converting to a Limited Company
  • Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts have not been provided:
    • Latest two Tax Year Overviews
    • Latest two years\\' Tax Calculations
  • Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts HAVE been provided:
    • Latest year’s finalised financial accounts which must be dated within the last 18 months.
    • Previous year’s Tax Year Overview
    • Previous year’s Tax Calculation
Limited Company converting to a Sole Trader/Partnership
  • Where the first year’s HMRC documents HAVE NOT been provided:
    • Last two years finalised financial accounts, the latest of which must be dated within the last 18 months.
  • Where the first year’s HMRC documents HAVE been provided:
    • Latest year’s Tax Year Overview.
    • Latest year’s Tax Calculation (a print out from HMRC website, an SA302 or the computation produced by the customer’s accountant that is submitted to HMRC)
    • Previous year’s finalised financial accounts which must be dated within the last 18 months.
For customers changing from an employed position to a partner or director within the SAME business within the last two years - Sole Traders, Partnerships, LLPs with less than 200 partners and limited company directors
Where the employee has become a partner:

Where the first year’s HMRC documents for the partnership HAVE NOT been provided:

  • Last two year’s HMRC documents as an employee or last two years P60’s as an employee, or a combination of both
Where the first year’s HMRC documents for the partnership HAVE been provided:
  • Previous year’s HMRC documents or P60 as an employee
  • Latest year’s Tax Calculation* and corresponding Tax Year Overview
Where the employee has become a director:
Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts for the Limited Company HAVE NOT been provided:
  • Last two year’s HMRC documents as an employee or Iast two years P60’s as an employee or a combination of both of the above
  • The businesses last two year’s finalised financial accounts which must be dated within the last 18 months.
Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts for the Limited Company HAVE been provided:
  • Latest year’s finalised financial accounts
  • Previous year’s HMRC documents or P60 as an employee

Please note, a Companies House search must be completed in all instances when we use finalised financial accounts as part of the income assessment, irrespective of whether the financial accounts have been signed or not. These must match to confirm the accounts received are finalised.

  • If there are multiple directors within the business, and the financial accounts do not confirm the distribution of salary to each director, then evidence will be required from either the latest two year’s P60 or latest two year’s Tax Calculation and corresponding Tax Year Overview.

Please note, a Companies House search will not be available for International customers who provide financial accounts for a Limited Company based overseas, therefore the finalised financial accounts must be signed by an accountant to meet our self-employed policy.

For customers changing from an employed position to a partner within the same LLP in the last two years – LLP with 200 or more partners
  • Letter issued from either the company finance director or accountant confirming the income for the last two years (Please note income can be split between time as an employee and time as a partner and this should be detailed in the letter). The letter must be dated within the last three months

Where an individual changes employment status within the latest year:

  • Letter issued from either the company finance director or accountant confirming the new monthly drawings as a partner and the previous year’s employed earnings. The letter must be dated within the last 3 months.
  • A minimum of one month’s payment must be evidenced in the applicant’s personal bank account. (For HSBC/first direct personal account customers, we can rely on internal transaction data, as an alternative to obtaining actual bank statements).

Please note: the share of future profits cannot be included in the income calculation until they have been received.

For customers changing from an employed position to a partnership of a different LLP in the last two years and in the same line of work – LLP with 200 or more partners
  • Letter issued from either the company finance director or accountant confirming the income for the latest year. The letter must be dated within the last three months
  • The latest HMRC documentation or P60 from the previous employer.

Where an individual changes employment status within the first year:

  • Letter from the company finance director or accountant confirming the new monthly drawings (the letter must be dated within the last 3 months).
  • A minimum of one month’s payment must be evidenced in the applicant’s personal bank account. (For HSBC/first direct personal account customers, we can rely on internal transaction data, as an alternative to obtaining actual bank statements)


  • The latest HMRC documentation or P60 from the previous employer.

Please note: the share of future profits cannot be included in the income calculation until they have been received.

Sub-Contractors (SC) including Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) Contractors and individuals working for an Umbrella Company
Contractors who will pay their own tax will be treated as Self-Employed
  • Sole Traders/Partnerships: Refer to the evidential documentation requirements for Sole Traders/Partnerships (including LLP with fewer than 200 partners)
  • Limited Companies: Refer to the evidential documentation requirements for Limited Companies
  • CIS contractors who are taxed at source, please refer to fixed term contracts
Foster Carers
Foster Carers Income will be treated as self-employed income as per HMRC guidance. We will consider the average income over the last two years, however if the latest year is lower than the average then the latest year’s figure will be used.
  • A letter from the foster agency confirming the total foster income received for each of the last two years as at the point of application

    In addition to the above we will also need to be advised of:
  • The number of foster children currently in the applicant’s care
  • If there are any known or foreseeable changes in the level of foster care income
',\n ],\n },\n {\n id: \"additionalsourcesofincome\",\n title: \"Additional sources of income\",\n filterTerm:\n \"alimony payments, child, tax credit, working, additional sources of income, child benefit, child tax credit, working tax credit, pensions, retirement, benefit income, dla, bursary, investment income, dividends, rent, pension, shares, working tax credits, disability, carer\",\n children: [\n '
Exceptionally, an extract from tenancy agreements and bank statements showing rental income, mortgage payments and outgoings related to the BTL property are acceptable where:
CriteriaProof required

Investment income

Investment income will be considered by the bank where the investment is deemed credible and can be evidenced by three years\\' worth of Tax Calculation*, corresponding Tax Year Overviews and portfolio statements.

The bank will not accept any form of speculative investment as an income source for any reason.
3 years\\' worth of Tax Calculations*, corresponding Tax Year Overviews and portfolio statements – this must detail the nature of the investment and the current value.

*Tax Calculations can be an online print out from HMRC website, an SA302 or the computation produced by the customer\\'s accountant using commercial software and submitted to HMRC

Rental income

Where a customer wishes to use rental income in the residential affordability assessment, we can only proceed where the customer is not deemed to be a portfolio landlord. In all cases the BTL borrowing and associated costs are to be captured in the affordability assessment.

Rental income such as AirBnb, holiday lets, and commercial rent are all acceptable in line with standard rental income policy requirements.

Please note: Where rental income is not being used to support the affordability assessment of a residential mortgage, there is no requirement to obtain evidence of any BTL income that the customer may have. However, all associated costs of the BTLs must be included in the affordability assessment.

Our policy for lending to customers with Buy to Let (BTL) properties and definition of a Portfolio Landlord is as follows:

For Residential applications:

Portfolio Landlord

A portfolio landlord is a person(s) with:
  • Four or more BTL mortgaged properties in aggregate at the end of the transaction (e.g. acceptable if the customer currently has three or fewer Buy to Let UK mortgaged properties) Note: the number of existing BTL mortgaged properties should include any additional BTL properties which are in the process of being mortgaged with ourselves. *Please note, for joint applications the ‘aggregate’ would be the combined number of BTL’s held by both applicants on the mortgage.

    This includes income via a holding company.

For Buy to let and Let to buy applications:

We will not provide Buy to let or Let to buy mortgage facilities where it has been evidenced that a customer is classified as a Portfolio Landlord.

All BTL borrowing and rental income must be evidenced by the customer where the income is being used to support a residential mortgage.

The following evidence must be obtained-
  • The latest years tax return and/or business accounts (which must be dated within the last 18 months)
Exceptionally, an extract from tenancy agreements and bank statements showing rental income, mortgage payments and outgoings related to the BTL property are acceptable where:
  • Customer is paying tax related to their BTL income via PAYE – this will need to be evidenced via a notice of coding and/or payslips; or
  • Properties have been purchased within the current tax year; or
  • Where the customer is not paying tax on the BTL income due to their overall gross income level being less than their personal allowance.

Maintenance income

Using 100% of maintenance income is acceptable, providing there is a court order in place and must be evidenced over the term of the mortgage.
A copy of the maintenance agreement received under a Court Order or a CSA assessment.

Private pension

Please note:
For drawdown pensions a 20% haircut will be deducted from the total value. The category of pension must be confirmed. Where a customer is in receipt of a \\'Drawdown\\' pension, extra documentation to confirm the value of the pension pot remaining will be required.
Latest pension payslip(s):
  • Where the date(s) on the payslip(s) shows as DD/MM/YYYY, all dates must be within 35 days of the application
  • Where the date on the payslip shows as MM/YYYY, we will accept the payslip(s) which can be either dated in the current or previous calendar month
  • Undated payslips are not acceptable
Latest pension annual statement or P60

For Flexi-Access Drawdown (FAD) or Capped Drawdown (sometimes referred to as ‘Drawdown Pensions’ or ‘Income Drawdown’) a statement/letter from the pension provider confirming the remaining pension fund will be required. Dated within one year of application.

State pension

100% is acceptable, providing it is already being received.
Latest pension payslip(s):
  • Where the date(s) on the payslip(s) shows as DD/MM/YYYY, all dates must be within 35 days of the application
  • Where the date on the payslip shows as MM/YYYY, we will accept the payslip(s) which can be either dated in the current or previous calendar month
  • Undated payslips are not acceptable
Latest pension annual statement or P60

The latest month\\'s personal bank statement(s) (or the HBUK 35/first direct 30 day internal transaction list) obtained to verify credit commitments should be used to validate the net amount matches the credit on the bank statement where possible.

Pension Projection

Latest private/company pension projection statement

Where the statement provides different levels of estimated income, the average/normal return or equivalent will be used.

State pension projection obtain from the government website.

Confirmation of pension provision

Where an application extends beyond anticipated retirement age but applicant is more than 10 years from this at point of application

Latest payslip confirming pension contributions
Latest annual pension scheme statement
Confirmation of pension scheme participation
A bank statement showing pension payments

Income from benefits

Benefit income in the following forms can only be used where these are evidenced to be assured and regular and must be evidenced over the term of the mortgage:
  • Child Benefit
  • Child Tax Credit/Working Tax Credit
  • Child Support Agency Awards
  • Universal Credit
Statement/Letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) – this must be dated within the last 12 months.
Where a customer is in receipt of the Universal Credit payment, a breakdown of benefits and who they are payable to must be evidenced and we will only consider the acceptable forms of benefit payments.

When assessing benefit income you must consider-
  • Whether the benefit payable is in line with the customer\\'s gross annual income. For further guidance please refer to the Government website.
  • Dependents\\' age versus term requested.

The bank does not accept any other benefit income for mortgage purposes, as we are unable to suitably evidence that the payments will be received for the duration of the mortgage term.

Disability Benefits

Disability allowances in the following forms can be accepted where these are of a long term nature:
  • Disability Living Allowance(DLA)
  • Disability Income Support
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) (support group)
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Universal Credit
  • We cannot accept Disability benefits awarded to someone other than the applicant, e.g. ‘The applicant is receiving payment on behalf of a child.’
Statement/Letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) – this must be dated within the last 12 months.

The latest month\\'s personal bank statement(s) obtained to verify credit commitments should be used to validate the net amount matches the credit on the bank statement where possible.

Where a customer is in receipt of the Universal Credit payment, a breakdown of benefits and who they are payable to must be evidenced and we will only consider the acceptable forms of benefit payments.

The bank does not accept any other benefit income for mortgage purposes, as we are unable to suitably evidence that the payments will be received for the duration of the mortgage term.
',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Unacceptable income\",\n filterTerm: \"unacceptable income, won't, don't, can't, income, pay, salary, earnings\",\n children: [\n '
',\n ],\n },\n {\n id: \"foreigncurrencyincome\",\n title: \"Foreign currency income\",\n filterTerm: \"foreign currency income, foreign income, overseas income, non-sterling\",\n children: [\n '

We accept Foreign Currency loans through HSBC for Intermediaries. Intermediaries must make customers aware of the risks of potential exchange rate fluctuations and an illustration of the potential impact of 20% exchange rate fluctuation will be provided in the KFI+.

HSBC will notify the customer of the potential impact of an exchange rate fluctuation if there is an adverse fluctuation of more than 20%.

If the customer lives in a foreign country or is paid in foreign currency this needs to be captured.

For any foreign currency values other than GBP, the amount should be converted using an appropriate currency conversion tool and input as GBP in the application.

Foreign currency income is subject to a haircut within automated affordability calculations - the percentage haircuts are listed in the foreign currency matrix. For a list of acceptable foreign currencies please view our foreign currency matrix.\"Ext\"/

For more information on non UK residents and foreign nationals living in the UK please see the foreign nationals section, and for overseas customers looking to purchase a property in the UK please see the overseas customers section.

CriteriaProof Required
Foreign currency income is accepted, providing the applicant is from an approved country and paid in a acceptable currency\"Ext\"/. We will apply the current exchange rate on day of application.
  • The latest three months’ worth of payslips for all applicants for each income stream – the latest payslip must be dated within the last 35 days plus the latest three months bank statements for all non HSBC/first direct accounts.
',\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { EVIDENTIAL_DOCS_MATRIX_INTERMEDIARY } from \"../data/evidential_docs_matrix_intermediary.data\";\n\nexport const PackagingRequirementsJsonData = {\n title: \"Packaging requirements\",\n accordionList: [\n {\n title: \"Buy to let\",\n filterTerm: \"\",\n children: [\n '

Income from employment

Income from self-employment

*Tax Calculation can be an online print out from HMRC website, an SA302 or the computation produced by the customer’s accountant using commercial software and submitted to HMRC.

No further income verification / validation is required for self-employed applicants beyond the above.


',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Employed customers\",\n filterTerm: \"employed, customers\",\n children: [\n ``,\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Foreign national customers\",\n filterTerm: \"foreign, national, customers\",\n children: [\n '

Foreign Nationals resident in the UK

',\n '
EU Settlement Scheme
',\n '

Customers will be required to provide evidence of their status under the Settlement Scheme to support their mortgage application. This can be obtained from the GOV.UK website.

',\n '

The EU settlement scheme provides two statuses:

',\n '
',\n '

For customers with Settled status, Indefinite Leave to Remain, Indefinite Leave to Enter or Right of Abode, we will process applications subject to our standard residential lending criteria.

',\n '

For customers with Pre-settled status, or without Indefinite Leave to Remain, Indefinite Leave to Enter or Right of Abode, we will process applications if they meet our foreign national criteria as detailed below:

',\n '
',\n '

Non-UK Residents

',\n '

For overseas customers looking to purchase a property in the UK please see the overseas customers section.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Proof of address\",\n filterTerm: \"proof, address\",\n children: [\n '

When you submit an application, we\\'ll ask for one of the following documents (Only a full UK photocard Driving Licence can be used as a single document for both identification and proof of address purposes. For all other documents a separate document will be required for proof of identification.)

For more information about the types of documents we accept, see Verifying a customer\\'s address (EN.PDF 1.3MB)\"Ext\"/.

*To find out if a particular country has equivalent legislation and financial standards, please call the helpdesk

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Proof of identity\",\n filterTerm: \"proof, identity\",\n children: [\n '

When you submit an application online, we automatically run an electronic identity check. If the customer\\'s identity cannot be verified electronically, we\\'ll accept a valid full UK photo card driving licence, this can be used to both identify themselves and verify their address.

If a customer does not have a valid full UK photo card driving licence, we\\'ll ask for one of the following documents. A separate document will be required to verify proof of address.

Non-certified scanned documents for identification are accepted for business submitted through our broker platform.

Our preferred forms of identification are:

If the applicant doesn\\'t have any of the above documents, we can accept one of the following:

For more information about the types of documents we accept, see Verifying a customer\\'s identity (EN.PDF 1.6MB)\"Ext\"/.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Post approval changes\",\n filterTerm: \"post completion, completion, amendment, amendments, change, changes, post\",\n children: [\n '

Where an application has been approved and completion is imminent, if an amendment to the lending is requested, you must ensure any acting Solicitors / Conveyancers are informed of the change.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Self-employed customers\",\n filterTerm: \"self-employed, customers, march_2021\",\n children: [\n '

For more information, please refer to the Residential lending criteria section.

',\n '
Criteria Evidential Documents Required
Sole trader

We will consider the average net profit over the last 2 years. However, if the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used
  • Last two years’ tax calculations (SA302) and corresponding tax year overviews dated within the last 18 months
Additional information (i.e. business bank statements, further HMRC documentation) may be required by the underwriter to support the application.

We will consider the average of the applicant\\'s share of the net profit over the last 2 years. However, if the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used.
  • Last two years’ tax calculations (SA302) and corresponding tax year overviews dated within the last 18 months
Additional information (i.e. business bank statements, further HMRC documentation) may be required by the underwriter to support the application.
Customers changing from an employed position to a partner within the same business in the last two years
In these instances, a combination of evidence can be accepted to confirm income:
  • Where the first year’s HMRC documents for the partnership have not been provided, we require:
    • Last two year’s HMRC documents as an employee
    • OR

    • Last two years P60’s as an employee
    • OR

    • A combination of both of the above
  • Where the first year’s HMRC documents for the partnership have been provided, we require:
    • Latest Tax Year Overview
    • Latest year’s Tax Calculation (SA302) as a partner
    • Previous year’s HMRC documents or P60 as an employee
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP’s) with less than 200 partners

We will consider the average of the applicant\\'s share of the net profit over the last 2 years. However, if the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used.
  • Last two years’ tax calculations (SA302) and corresponding tax year overviews dated within the last 18 months
Additional information (i.e. business bank statements, further HMRC documentation) may be required by the underwriter to support the application.
Customers changing from an employed position to a partner within the same LLP in the last two years
In these instances, a combination of evidence can be accepted to confirm income:
  • Where the first year’s HMRC documents for the partnership have not been provided, we require:
    • Last two year’s HMRC documents as an employee
    • OR

    • Last two years P60’s as an employee
    • OR

    • A combination of both of the above
  • Where the first year’s HMRC documents for the partnership have been provided, we require:
    • Latest Tax Year Overview
    • Latest year’s Tax Calculation (SA302) as a partner
    • Previous year’s HMRC documents or P60 as an employee
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP’s) with 200 or more partners

We will consider the average of the applicant\\'s share of the net profit over the last 2 years. However, if the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used.
  • Letter issued by either the company Finance Director or Accountant dated in the last three months, detailing the customer’s earnings over the last two years
Limited Companies

We will consider the applicant\\'s share of net profit after corporation tax averaged over the last 2 years, along with their salary (often referred to as director\\'s remuneration or emoluments) averaged over the last 2 years. If the latest year is lower than the average, that figure will be used.
  • Last two years’ finalised financial accounts, the latest of which must be dated within the last 18 months

Additional information (i.e. business bank statements, further HMRC documentation) may be required by the underwriter to support the application.

As part of our Underwriting checks, we will validate the information provided by undertaking a check on Companies House. As such there is no longer a requirement for all accounts to be signed.
Please note, a Companies House search will not be available for International customers who provide financial accounts for a Limited Company based overseas, therefore the finalised financial accounts must be signed by an accountant to meet our self-employed policy.
Customers changing from an employed position to a director within the same business in the last two years
In these instances, a combination of evidence can be accepted to confirm income:
  • Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts for the Ltd Company have not been provided, we require:
    • Last two year’s HMRC documents as an employee
    • OR

    • Last two years P60’s as an employee
    • OR

    • A combination of both of the above
  • Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts for the Limited Company have been provided, we require:
    • Latest year’s finalised financial accounts
    • Previous year’s HMRC documents or P60 as an employee
Company Director with less than 25% shareholding
  • Will be classed as employed, applying employed policy for assessing and evidencing income (i.e. basic income requirements).

Applications that meet affordability on employed income should not have net profit details included in the assessment.

Please note: where the application fails affordability based on employed income alone, the application can be progressed using both employed income and net profit. Where net profit is required for affordability, the application must be evidenced in line with the self-employed income policy requirements.

Company director with 25% or more shareholding
  • Will be classed as self-employed applying self-employed policy for assessing and evidencing income.

If there are multiple directors within the business, and the financial accounts do not confirm the distribution of salary to each director, then evidence will be required from either;

  • The last two years P60\\'s
  • Last two years’ tax calculations (SA302) and corresponding tax year overviews dated within the last 18 months
Customers trading for less than two years or do not have the first two years trading accounts

The one year’s finalised financial accounts or HMRC documentation will be averaged over a 2 year period for the affordability assessment

For new business entities (i.e. trading for less than two years), we will consider applications for all customers based upon a minimum of:

  • One year’s finalised financial accounts or HMRC documentation (Tax Calculation/SA302 and corresponding Tax Year Overview)
  • Latest three months’ worth of business bank statements

The primary concern with new businesses will be gauging the ability of the applicant to meet the regular monthly payments as they fall due.

Applications will be assessed on an individual basis and careful consideration should be given to:

  • the applicant\\'s employment record prior to becoming self-employed;
  • the applicant\\'s future work prospects, should the business venture fail
Customers trading for less than two years or do not have the first two years trading accounts - LLPs with 200 or more partners
  • A letter issued by either the company finance director or accountant (the letter must detail the customer’s earnings over the last year and be dated within the last three months)
For customers where there is a change in the business entity of an existing business within the last two years

Where an existing business continues trading but as a different business entity and does not have two years financial accounts/HMRC documentation as the new business entity.
The new business entity must be a continuation of the old business i.e. the only change is the trading name. For an entirely new business or where the ownership of an existing business changes the “Customers trading for less than two years” policy must be followed
Sole trader/Partnership converting to a Limited Company
  • Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts have not been provided:
    • Latest two Tax Year Overviews
    • Latest two years\\' Tax Calculations
  • Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts HAVE been provided:
    • Latest year’s finalised financial accounts which must be dated within the last 18 months.
    • Previous year’s Tax Year Overview
    • Previous year’s Tax Calculation
Limited Company converting to a Sole Trader/Partnership
  • Where the first year’s HMRC documents HAVE NOT been provided:
    • Last two years finalised financial accounts, the latest of which must be dated within the last 18 months.
  • Where the first year’s HMRC documents HAVE been provided:
    • Latest year’s Tax Year Overview.
    • Latest year’s Tax Calculation (a print out from HMRC website, an SA302 or the computation produced by the customer’s accountant that is submitted to HMRC)
    • Previous year’s finalised financial accounts which must be dated within the last 18 months.
For customers changing from an employed position to a partner or director within the SAME business within the last two years - Sole Traders, Partnerships, LLPs with less than 200 partners and limited company directors
Where the employee has become a partner:

Where the first year’s HMRC documents for the partnership HAVE NOT been provided:

  • Last two year’s HMRC documents as an employee or the last two years P60’s as an employee or a combination of both

Plus, for Partnerships, one of the following two options:

  • Accountants letter;
  • The latest two year\\'s SA800 (Partnership Tax Return)

Plus, for LLPs with less than 200 partners, one of the following three options:

  • Accountants letter;
  • The latest two year\\'s SA800 (Partnership Tax Return);
  • A letter from the Finance Director confirming the customer’s share of the business, the businesses last two years’ turnover, net profit and if any government support has been received

Where the first year’s HMRC documents for the partnership HAVE been provided:

  • Previous year’s HMRC documents or P60 as an employee
  • Latest year’s Tax Calculation (SA302) and corresponding Tax Year Overview

Plus, for Partnerships, one of the following two options:

  • Accountants letter providing details for the latest years trading;
  • The latest year\\'s SA100s (Tax Returns) with the SA104S/F supplements and latest year\\'s SA800 (Partnership Tax Return)

Plus, for LLPs with less than 200 partners, one of the following three options:

  • Accountants letter providing details for the latest years trading;
  • The latest year\\'s SA100s (Tax Returns) with the SA104S/F supplements and latest year\\'s SA800 (Partnership Tax Return);
  • A letter from the Finance Director confirming the customer’s share of the business, the businesses last two years’ turnover, net profit and if any government support has been received
Where the employee has become a director:

Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts for the Limited Company HAVE NOT been provided:

  • Last two year’s HMRC documents as an employee or last two years P60’s as an employee or a combination of both of the above
  • The businesses last two year’s finalised financial accounts which must be dated within the last 18 months.

Where the first year’s finalised financial accounts for the Limited Company HAVE been provided:

  • Latest year’s finalised financial accounts
  • Previous year’s HMRC documents or P60 as an employee

Please note, a Companies House search must be completed in all instances when we use finalised financial accounts as part of the income assessment, irrespective of whether the financial accounts have been signed or not. These must match to confirm the accounts received are finalised.

In all scenarios, we require the following:

  • Latest three months’ business bank statements or personal account statements if used for business purposes (the most recent statement must be dated within the last 35 days and should show the monthly summary)
  • If there are multiple directors within the business, and the financial accounts do not confirm the distribution of salary to each director, then evidence will be required from either the latest two year’s P60 or latest two year’s Tax Calculation and corresponding Tax Year Overview.

As part of our Underwriting checks, we will validate the information provided by undertaking a check on Companies House. As such there is no longer a requirement for all accounts to be signed.

Please note, a Companies House search will not be available for International customers who provide financial accounts for a Limited Company based overseas, therefore the finalised financial accounts must be signed by an accountant to meet our self-employed policy.

For customers changing from an employed position to a partner within the same LLP in the last two years – LLP with 200 or more partners
  • Letter issued from either the company finance director or accountant confirming the income for the last two years (Please note income can be split between time as an employee and time as a partner and this should be detailed in the letter). The letter must be dated within the last three months

Where an individual changes employment status within the latest year:

  • Letter issued from either the company finance director or accountant confirming the new monthly drawings as a partner and the previous year’s employed earnings. The letter must be dated within the last 3 months.
  • A minimum of one month’s payment must be evidenced in the applicant’s personal bank account. (For HSBC/first direct personal account customers, we can rely on internal transaction data, as an alternative to obtaining actual bank statements).

Please note: the share of future profits cannot be included in the income calculation until they have been received.

For customers changing from an employed position to a partnership of a different LLP in the last two years and in the same line of work – LLP with 200 or more partners
  • Letter issued from either the company finance director or accountant confirming the income for the latest year. The letter must be dated within the last three months
  • The latest HMRC documentation or P60 from the previous employer.

Where an individual changes employment status within the first year:

  • Letter from the company finance director or accountant confirming the new monthly drawings (the letter must be dated within the last 3 months).
  • A minimum of one month’s payment must be evidenced in the applicant’s personal bank account. (For HSBC/first direct personal account customers, we can rely on internal transaction data, as an alternative to obtaining actual bank statements)


  • The latest HMRC documentation or P60 from the previous employer.

Please note: the share of future profits cannot be included in the income calculation until they have been received.

Sub-Contractors (SC) including Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) Contractors and individuals working for an Umbrella Company
Contractors who will pay their own tax will be treated as Self-Employed. We will classify applicants that pay tax at source but do not receive p60s as they submit tax returns as self employed.

Sole Traders/Partnerships: Refer to the evidential documentation requirements for Sole Traders/Partnerships (including LLP with fewer than 200 partners)

Limited Companies: Refer to the evidential documentation requirements for Limited Companies
Foster Carers
Foster Carers Income will be treated as self-employed income as per HMRC guidance. We will consider the average income over the last two years, however if the latest year is lower than the average then the latest year’s figure will be used.
  • A letter from the foster agency confirming the total foster income received for each of the last two years as at the point of application

    In addition to the above we will also need to be advised of:
  • The number of foster children currently in the applicant’s care
  • If there are any known or foreseeable changes in the level of foster care income
',\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { EVIDENTIAL_DOCS_MATRIX_INTERMEDIARY } from \"../../data/evidential_docs_matrix_intermediary.data\";\n\nexport const FaqIncomeJsonData = {\n title: \"Income\",\n accordionList: [\n {\n title: \"What proof of income do you need for self-employed customers?\",\n id: \"proofOfIncome\",\n children: [\n '

Please refer to the Income from self-employment section of our residential lending criteria for details.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you lend to customers on a fixed-term contract?\",\n children: [\n \"

Applicants must have been employed for a minimum of 12 months or more current continuous service in the same type of employment via contracts OR;

If they have not, a minimum of 6 months or more current continuous service via contracts in the same type of employment with at least 12 months remaining on their current contract.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What income do you accept for directors of limited companies?\",\n children: [\n \"

We accept the applicant's salary (often referred to as director's remuneration or emoluments) along with their share of the last 2 years' average net profit after corporation tax. Please note, if their most recent set of accounts shows net profit lower than the 2-year average, we'll use this figure instead.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What do you require for proof of overtime?\",\n children: [\n \"

Please see Bonuses, overtime and commission on what proof is required depending on how often the customer gets paid. Please note, a maximum of 50% of the average of the last 2 years' average overtime can be considered as guaranteed income.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"How do you consider variable pay and what evidence do you need?\",\n children: [\n \"

We accept income from overtime, bonuses and commission, where it is shown to be regular. A maximum of 60% of the average of the last 2 years can be used.

\",\n `

As evidence, we will ask to see the relevant payslip(s) or a letter from the employer – see ${EVIDENTIAL_DOCS_MATRIX_INTERMEDIARY.title}\"Ext\"/ for variations subject to frequency of pay.

`,\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Will you accept benefit income?\",\n children: [\n \"Please see additional sources of income for a list of what benefit income we can accept. - We only accept benefit income if it can be guaranteed for the full length of the term.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"My customer has recently started a new job - will you consider their income?\",\n children: [\n \"

Yes, we can consider income from a customer who has recently started a new job.

\",\n \"

When assessing their application, we'll need to know whether they are on a probationary period, and if so the length of that period and how long is remaining. We'll also consider their employment track record and whether they have had any career gaps or changes of career plus previous P60s and significant increase in income from new role

\",\n \"

As evidence, we'll usually ask for a combination of payslips, bank statements, P60s, tax returns and an employment contract or job-offer letter.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What evidence do you need to accept maternity leave income?\",\n children: [\n \"

If the customer advises they will return to work on the same terms, the last months' payslips of normal pre-maternity leave income can be used.

\",\n \"

If they plan to return to work on reduced hours, the reduced income will be calculated on a pro-rata basis based on previous evidenced income, or supported by an employer's letter if available.

\",\n '

For more on how we assess maternity leave income, see our lending criteria

',\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import React from \"react\";\n\nimport ApplicantJsonData from \"./residental-json/Applicant.criteria.json\";\nimport BorrowingJsonData from \"./residental-json/Borrowing.criteria.json\";\nimport ExistingJsonData from \"./residental-json/Existing-borrowers.criteria.json\";\nimport FeesJsonData from \"./residental-json/Fees.criteria.json\";\nimport { IncomeJsonData } from \"./residental-json/Income.criteria\";\nimport ProductJsonData from \"./residental-json/Product.criteria\";\nimport PropertyJsonData from \"./residental-json/Property.criteria\";\nimport Solicitor from \"./residental-json/Solicitor.criteria.json\";\nimport Valuations from \"./residental-json/Valuations.criteria.json\";\n\nimport ApplicantBuyToLetJsonData from \"./buy-to-let-json/Applicant.criteria.json\";\nimport BorrowingBuyToLetJsonData from \"./buy-to-let-json/Borrowing.criteria.json\";\nimport ExistingBuyToLetJsonData from \"./buy-to-let-json/Existing-borrowers.criteria.json\";\nimport IncomeBuyToLetJsonData from \"./buy-to-let-json/Income.criteria.json\";\nimport ProductBuyToLetJsonData from \"./buy-to-let-json/Product.criteria\";\nimport PackagingRequirementsBuyToLetJsonData from \"./buy-to-let-json/Packaging-requirements.criteria\";\nimport ProperBuyToLettyJsonData from \"./buy-to-let-json/Property.criteria\";\n\nimport { PackagingRequirementsJsonData } from \"./packaging-requirements.data\";\nimport { FaqTopThreeJsonData } from \"./faq/top3\";\nimport { FaqApplicantJsonData } from \"./faq/applicant\";\nimport { FaqIncomeJsonData } from \"./faq/income\";\nimport { FaqBorrowingJsonData } from \"./faq/borrowing\";\nimport { FaqAdditionalBorrowingJsonData } from \"./faq/additional-borrowing\";\nimport { FaqPortingJsonData } from \"./faq/porting\";\nimport { FaqPropertyJsonData } from \"./faq/property\";\nimport { FaqProductJsonData } from \"./faq/product\";\nimport { FaqExistingBorrowersJsonData } from \"./faq/existing-borrowers\";\nimport { FaqFeesJsonData } from \"./faq/fees\";\n\nimport { LegalInformationsJsonData } from \"./legal-information.data\";\nimport { CustomerPrivacyNoticeJsonData } from \"./legal-information-json/customer-privacy-notice\";\nimport { MortgagePrivacyJsonData } from \"./legal-information-json/mortgage-privacy\";\nimport { SiteMapLegalInfoJsonData } from \"./legal-information-json/site-map\";\nimport { TermsAndConditionsJsonData } from \"./legal-information-json/terms-and-conditions\";\nimport { FaqHVMSJsonData } from \"./faq/hvms.js\";\n\nconst parseData = (json) => {\n if (json) {\n const baseData = json;\n\n return {\n ...baseData,\n accordionList: baseData.accordionList.reduce((acc, accordion) => {\n return [\n ...acc,\n {\n ...accordion,\n children: accordion.children.map((data) => {\n return
;\n }),\n },\n ];\n }, []),\n };\n }\n};\n\nconst RESIDENTAL_RAW_DATA = [\n ApplicantJsonData,\n BorrowingJsonData,\n ExistingJsonData,\n FeesJsonData,\n IncomeJsonData,\n ProductJsonData,\n PropertyJsonData,\n Solicitor,\n Valuations,\n];\n\nconst BUY_TO_LET_DATA = [\n ApplicantBuyToLetJsonData,\n BorrowingBuyToLetJsonData,\n ExistingBuyToLetJsonData,\n IncomeBuyToLetJsonData,\n ProductBuyToLetJsonData,\n PackagingRequirementsBuyToLetJsonData,\n ProperBuyToLettyJsonData,\n];\n\nexport const RESIDENTAL_DATA_SCHEME = [\n RESIDENTAL_RAW_DATA.map((rawData) => parseData(rawData)),\n BUY_TO_LET_DATA.map((rawData) => parseData(rawData)),\n];\n\nexport const FAQ_TOP_THREE_DATA = parseData(FaqTopThreeJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_APPLICANT_DATA = parseData(FaqApplicantJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_INCOME_DATA = parseData(FaqIncomeJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_BORROWING_DATA = parseData(FaqBorrowingJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_ADDITIONAL_BORROWING_DATA = parseData(FaqAdditionalBorrowingJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_PORTING_DATA = parseData(FaqPortingJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_PROPERTY_DATA = parseData(FaqPropertyJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_PRODUCT_DATA = parseData(FaqProductJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_EXISTING_BORROWERS_DATA = parseData(FaqExistingBorrowersJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_FEES_DATA = parseData(FaqFeesJsonData);\nexport const FAQ_HVMS = parseData(FaqHVMSJsonData);\nexport const PACKAGING_REQUIREMENTS_DATA = parseData(PackagingRequirementsJsonData);\n\n//legal information section\nexport const LEGAL_INFO_CUSTOMER_PRIVACY_DATA = parseData(CustomerPrivacyNoticeJsonData);\nexport const LEGAL_INFO_MORTGAGE_DATA = parseData(MortgagePrivacyJsonData);\nexport const LEGAL_INFO_SITE_MAP_DATA = parseData(SiteMapLegalInfoJsonData);\nexport const LEGAL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_DATA = parseData(TermsAndConditionsJsonData);\n\nexport const LEGAL_INFORMATIONS_DATA = parseData(LegalInformationsJsonData);\n","export const FaqTopThreeJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Top 3\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"1. Do I need to notify you if I want to cancel a case?\",\n \"id\": \"doINeed\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

For all application types you must inform us if you wish to cancel the case.

Many of our processes in the application journey are now automated, therefore the case may reach completion if you do not advise us that it should be cancelled.

Please call our Broker Support team on 0345 600 5847 (Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm) if you wish to cancel a submitted application.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"2. What proof of income do you need for self-employed customers?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Please refer to the Income from self-employment section of our residential lending criteria for details.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"3. If the term extends beyond retirement age, how do you assess affordability?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

An HSBC mortgage may extend beyond the intended retirement age of the main income earner if the applicant can clearly demonstrate they will be able to service the mortgage for its full term.

\",\n \"

When assessing affordability, consideration is given to the period of time remaining until retirement - the nearer they are to retirement, the more robust their evidence of income needs to be.

\",\n \"

We also consider the type of employment the customer is engaged and whether they're likely to able to continue working.

\",\n \"

When assessing outgoings, we take into account the fact that expenditure may also decrease at retirement eg the costs associated with full time employment such as travel costs or costs associated with financial dependents.

\",\n \"

In the case of interest only applications, the customer must also be able to demonstrate the ability to repay the capital at the end of the mortgage term.

\",\n \"

Please refer to the Lending into retirement section of our residential lending criteria for details.

\"\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\n","export const FaqApplicantJsonData = {\n title: \"Applicant\",\n accordionList: [\n {\n title: \"Can I contact LMS directly for an update on a case?\",\n children: [\n \"

For remortgage cases LMS have a tailored case status update portal for use by intermediaries. The site gives you quick and easy access to get updates on your cases without having the need to contact the law firm. The site can be accessed via the following link, and can be used without the need to have a username and password.

\",\n \"

All you need to do is input the following information:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

For purchase cases LMS are the distributor of cases out to your customers chosen law firm, to get an update on your case, please contact the law firm directly.

\",\n '

If you still require further information on your case, then please call the HSBC helpdesk\"Ext\"/. LMS only deal directly with HSBC and the customer.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"If the term extends beyond retirement age, how do you assess affordability?\",\n id: \"affordability\",\n children: [\n \"

An HSBC mortgage may extend beyond the intended retirement age of the main income earner if the applicant can clearly demonstrate they will be able to service the mortgage for its full term.

\",\n \"

When assessing affordability, consideration is given to the period of time remaining until retirement - the nearer the customer is to retirement, the more robust their evidence of income needs to be.

\",\n \"

We also consider the type of employment the customer is engaged and whether they're likely to able to continue working.

\",\n \"

When assessing outgoings, we take into account the fact that expenditure may also decrease at retirement eg the costs associated with full time employment such as travel costs or costs associated with financial dependents.

\",\n \"

In the case of interest only applications, the customer must also be able to demonstrate the ability to repay the capital at the end of the mortgage term.

\",\n '

Please refer to the Lending into retirement section of our residential lending criteria for details.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Can UK citizens living overseas apply for HSBC mortgages on properties in the UK?\",\n children: [\n '

Yes, UK citizens who are living or working overseas can apply for an HSBC mortgage to purchase a property in the UK, providing they live in an approved country.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What's your policy on lending to foreign nationals living in the UK?\",\n id: \"foreignLivingInUK\",\n children: [\n \"

Foreign Nationals resident in the UK

\",\n \"
EU Settlement Scheme
\",\n \"

Customers will be required to provide evidence of their status under the Settlement Scheme to support their mortgage application. This can be obtained from the GOV.UK website.

\",\n \"

The EU settlement scheme provides two statuses:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

For customers with Settled status, Indefinite Leave to Remain, Indefinite Leave to Enter or Right of Abode, we will process applications subject to our standard residential lending criteria.

\",\n \"

For customers with Pre-settled status, or without Indefinite Leave to Remain, Indefinite Leave to Enter or Right of Abode, we will process applications if they meet our foreign national criteria as detailed below:

\",\n '',\n \"

Non-UK Residents

\",\n '

For overseas customers looking to purchase a property in the UK please see the overseas customers section.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Which documents do you accept as proof of address?\",\n id: \"acceptForProofAddress\",\n children: [\n \"

For online applications, we run an automatic address check so evidence may not be required.

\",\n \"

If the customer's address cannot be verified electronically, we'll accept a wide range of documents as proof. Full details can be found on our packaging requirements page

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Which documents do you accept as proof of identity?\",\n id: \"acceptFoProof\",\n children: [\n \"

For online applications, we run an automatic identity check so evidence may not be required.

\",\n \"

If the customer's identity cannot be verified electronically, we'll accept a wide range of documents as proof. Full details can be found on our packaging requirements page

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Would you consider an application from a customer with adverse credit?\",\n children: [\n '

A customer who has missed payments on their credit commitments may be considered under exceptional circumstances. If you\\'d like to discuss a particular case with us, please call the intermediary helpdesk\"Ext\"/.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you accept Help to Buy applications?\",\n children: [\n \"

We do not currently accept Help to Buy applications via HSBC for Intermediaries. We do accept them directly in our branches and over the phone.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you lend to landlords?\",\n children: [\n \"

We can provide residential mortgage facilities to landlords, providing they do not meet the following definition of a Professional/Portfolio Landlord:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

Applicants must be an owner occupier of a residential property which they have lived in for at least 6 months. For joint applications, at least one applicant must be an owner occupier of a residential property which they have lived in for at least 6 months.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"How soon can a customer remortgage after taking out a purchase?\",\n id: \"remortgagePurchase\",\n children: [\n \"

A customer can apply to remortgage at any time after they have completed their purchase.

\",\n \"

Please note that for properties owned for less than 6 months, we will require the applicant's solicitor to make additional checks.

\",\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","export const FaqBorrowingJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Borrowing\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"What payslip deductions do you need to know about?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

We use gross annual income (defined as basic salary plus permanent allowances such as a territorial allowance) to calculate net monthly pay after income tax and national insurance deductions.

\",\n \"

We need to know about all payslip deductions (such as for pensions, childcare, student loans and season tickets).

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"How do you factor in ground rent or service charge costs?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Ground rent and service charge costs for leasehold properties are recorded under 'Basic essential expenditure'.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"How do you assess Buy to Lets in the background?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

We assess Buy to Lets in the background as part of our income and expenditure assessment taking into account the full costs associated with the Buy to Let, not just the rental income.

\"\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\n","export const FaqAdditionalBorrowingJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Additional Borrowing\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"How do I submit an additional borrowing application?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Log on to the broker portal as normal and select ‘Existing customer’. You will be required to validate your customer’s identity in order to retrieve their mortgage details and proceed with an additional borrowing application. All customers who are party to the mortgage will be notified via email or SMS that an additional borrowing application has commenced.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"When can I submit an additional borrowing application?\",\n \"id\": \"additionalBorrowing\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

For existing HSBC customers looking to borrow more, a minimum of six months will be required from the date of drawdown of the latest mortgage or Home Loan on the property being used as security.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Which customers are eligible for additional borrowing?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Existing HSBC UK mortgage customers on a Fixed Rate, Term Tracker, Lifetime Tracker or Standard Variable Rate. Please note the minimum loan amount for stand-alone additional borrowing applications is £10,000.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Can I cancel an additional borrowing application?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Yes, if the application has not yet been submitted, you can cancel this via the broker portal. If the application has been submitted, please contact the Broker Support Team on 0345 600 5847.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Can I amend a submitted additional borrowing application?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

If you need to amend any information after you've submitted the application, please fill out the Application Amendment Form\\\"Ext\\\"/ and upload and submit through the ‘Evidential documents’ section on the broker portal. This will then be sent through to one of our team to make the relevant updates.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Will the additional borrowing offer be signature less?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Yes, the acceptance of the offer document is completed by the broker on behalf of the customer via the broker portal.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"When will the additional borrowing funds be available for release?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Additional borrowing funds will be released once the offer has been accepted and the relevant checks have then been completed. Once the checks have been completed, the funds will be released straight away unless instructed otherwise.

\",\n \"

If your customer has a preference to defer the release of the additional borrowing you will need to specify this within the application. The funds will be placed on hold until offer expiry date at the latest.

\",\n \"

Once the funds are required, you will need to specify the date of release through the broker message system to initiate the drawdown process. If the funds are not drawn down before the offer expires, the application will be cancelled.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Can I complete a product switch and an additional borrowing application for the same customers?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

We allow product switch and additional borrowing applications to take place at the same time. You will need to input these requests as two separate applications.

\",\n \"

Please note, if the product rate selected on the product switch and additional borrowing application are the same, one fee is fully refundable. However, where the products are not the same, a booking fee applies to each fee-paying product.

\",\n \"

You will need to contact the Broker Support Team on 0345 600 5847 when one of the booking fees is eligible for a refund, the request must be made before the application completes.

\",\n \"

We classify applications to be simultaneous when they are keyed within 3 working days of each other. Please ensure that booking fees are not capitalised if a refund is required.

\",\n \"

NB: If you are submitting a product switch and an additional borrowing application for the same customers, please be aware that if the product switch application completes, before the additional borrowing decision has been given, your customer will be required to pay any early repayment charges if the product switch application is subsequently cancelled.

\"\n ]\n },\n ]\n}\n","export const FaqPortingJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Porting\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"How do I submit a porting application?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Log on to the broker portal as normal and select ‘Existing customer’. You will be required to validate your customer’s identity in order to retrieve their mortgage details and proceed with a porting application. All customers who are party to the mortgage will be notified via email or SMS that a porting application has commenced.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Which customers are eligible to port their mortgage?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Existing HSBC UK mortgage customers on a Fixed Rate, Term Tracker, Lifetime Tracker or Standard Variable Rate with at least 6 months remaining will be eligible to port where the sale and purchase will be completed simultaneously.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Can I cancel a porting application?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Yes, if the application has not yet been submitted, you can cancel this via the broker portal. If the application has been submitted, please contact the Broker Support Team on 0345 600 5847.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Can I amend a submitted porting application?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

If you need to amend any information after you've submitted the application, please fill out the Application Amendment Form\\\"Ext\\\"/ and upload and submit through the ‘Evidential documents’ section on the broker portal. This will then be sent through to one of our team to make the relevant updates.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Can my customer change their term during a porting application?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Customers are able to extend or reduce the term of their existing mortgage, with the exception of not being able to extend the term on a Lifetime Tracker mortgage.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Can my customer port their mortgage rate to a new property when separating?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

In case of separation, each customer may port 50% of the rate to a new property they are buying, or more than this amount, up to the full 100% of the rate, if the other party has consented to this verbally. You will need to ensure your customer meets all other eligibility criteria. Exclusions apply to porting closed secured HSBC loans and equity buy-out applications, please ask your customer to contact us directly to complete these applications.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"How do I progress a purchase application for an existing HSBC customer who does not want to port their existing rate?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Log on to the broker portal as normal and select ‘New customer’.

\"\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\n","export const FaqPropertyJsonData = {\n title: \"Property\",\n accordionList: [\n {\n title: \"What is the minimum floor area you will consider for a property?\",\n children: [\n \"

There is no minimum floor area. We rely on our valuers to advise us whether a property is good security for our loan and how marketable it is - regardless of its size.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What is your policy on new-build properties?\",\n id: \"newBuildProperties\",\n children: [\n \"

We define a new build property as one that will be occupied for the first time and/or has been built and completed within the last 24 months.

\",\n \"

Although we can approve mortgages on properties not yet built subject to satisfactory valuation, we will not release funds until the property has been completed. A re-inspection may be required if the surveyor advises one is necessary in their original valuation.

\",\n \"

Standard lending criteria apply subject to:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

The value of any incentive must be deducted from the purchase price when calculating LTV.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you accept timber-framed properties?\",\n children: [\n \"

Timber-framed properties constructed between 1920 and 1965 are considered unacceptable for mortgage purposes due to inferior building regulations in relation to vapour barriers.

\",\n \"

Period timber-frame properties and those constructed post-1965 will be considered, subject to the valuer's comments and with a maximum LTV of 80%

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What is your policy on Japanese Knotweed?\",\n children: [\n \"

If Japanese Knotweed has been identified within 7 metres of a property's garden fence, the valuer will follow the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors' guidelines to assess the risk.

\",\n \"

We can only lend if we are provided with a treatment schedule and a completion certificate confirming that the weed has been eradicated that there is a guarantee of at least 10 years in place.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Will you lend on properties with leased solar panels installed?\",\n children: [\n \"

We will consider applications for properties with leased solar panels, providing the indexed LTV is less than 90%. In line with the guidance given by the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML), we will ask our solicitor to obtain the following:

\",\n '',\n ],\n },\n {\n title:\n \"Will you lend on flats that have failed their EWS1 assessments but have funding plans in place for remediation?\",\n children: [\n \"

Yes. We will consider these cases where there is evidence that the buildings will be self-remediated by developers or covered by a recognised government scheme and evidenced by Leaseholder Deed of Certificate.

\",\n \"

As part of our conveyancer check we may require the Landlord Certificate.

\",\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","export const FaqProductJsonData = {\n title: \"Product\",\n accordionList: [\n {\n title: \"Do you have different pricing available in your branches?\",\n children: [\n \"

No, we don't have dual pricing. Brokers have access to exactly the same rates as the staff in our branches.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What repayment strategies will you consider for interest-only mortgages?\",\n children: [\n \"

Acceptable repayment strategies for interest-only loans are:

\",\n \"\",\n '

For more details, see Interest Only Repayment Strategies\"Ext\"/.

',\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you need proof of the deposit?\",\n children: [\n \"

We need to confirm and document the source of an applicant's deposit to complete the mortgage. Whether evidence of deposit is required will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

\",\n \"

Information about gifted deposits can be found in our lending criteria.

\",\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","export const FaqExistingBorrowersJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Existing borrowers\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"Can my customer transfer an existing HSBC mortgage to a new property?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

We allow HSBC UK mortgages to be transferred to a different property for existing HSBC UK customers on a fixed, term tracker, lifetime tracker or standard variable rate via HSBC UK UK for Intermediaries when the sale and purchase will be completed simultaneously. Exclusions apply to porting closed secured HSBC UK loans and equity buy-out applications, please ask your customer to contact us directly to complete these applications.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Are overpayments allowed?\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Lump sum and overpayments can be made at any time to our tracker mortgages.

\",\n \"

Our fixed rate and discount mortgages have an annual overpayment allowance equivalent to 10% of the principal mortgage balance at drawdown, or at the start of a new rate switch.

\",\n \"\",\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\n","export const FaqFeesJsonData = {\n title: \"Fees\",\n accordionList: [\n {\n title: \"Can customers add the booking fee to the cost of their loan?\",\n children: [\n \"

The customer can decide to pay the booking fee in full, or they can add the booking fee to the loan. Booking fees, when added, can exceed the LTV restrictions of the selected product, and policy (in circumstances where only adding the fee has caused the LTV breach). Please be aware though that a booking fee cannot be added above an LTV policy limit of 95%.

\",\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","export const FaqHVMSJsonData = {\n title: \"Product\",\n accordionList: [\n {\n title: \"Can I use Separate Legal Representation on a High Value Mortgage case?\",\n children: [\n \"

Separate Legal Representation services are capped at a maximum purchase price of £5,000,000 for properties in England, Wales or Scotland or a maximum purchase price of £1,000,000 for properties in Northern Ireland.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Can we ring-fence school fees / nursery costs? \",\n children: [\n \"

No, these costs must be included in expenditure for the affordability assessment.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you accept Restricted Stock Units (RSU’s) / deferred bonuses? \",\n children: [\n \"

At present, this is not a source of income that we can consider.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you accept sale of current property as a repayment plan? \",\n children: [\n \"

No, however we do accept future savings / ad-hoc contributions as a repayment plan. We will assess the lending on a Capital Repayment basis to demonstrate affordability, and will allow ad-hoc capital as a repayment plan up to a maximum of 50% LTV. Any borrowing above the 50% LTV will require an additional repayment plan.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you accept future rental income on a Let to buy property? \",\n children: [\n \"

Yes, if this is the customer’s current residential property, as long as they can provide an ARLA letter and a Buy to let mortgage offer.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Can I get an accurate affordability figure for foreign currency applications? \",\n children: [\n \"

Yes, you will need to email the highvaluemortgageservice@hsbc.com inbox and we will complete an internal affordability check for you.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Can we work on one years’ self-employed accounts?\",\n children: [\n \"

Yes, we will take the latest years income and average this over the two year period. For example, if the customer has evidenced a profit of £100,000, we will be able to use £50,000 income in the affordability assessment.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you use Trust income? \",\n children: [\n \"

Yes, subject to this being evidenced with 3 years’ Tax Returns, along with an explanation of how the Trust generates its income.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Can I use a combination of Interest Only repayment plans? \",\n children: [\n \"

Yes, please see Repayment plan document for details.

\",\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Do you have a maximum acreage on properties?\",\n children: [\n \"

We will consider lending on properties with land over 1 acre providing the property is not subject to any agricultural restrictions / ties, and the applicants undertake that the land is for personal use by them or a related person only, and will not be used for any agricultural or business purposes. The bank will be guided by the type of valuation received and any additional guidance from the valuer.

\",\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","export const CustomerPrivacyNoticeJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Customer Privacy Notice\",\n \"id\": \"Customer-privacy-notice\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"Our Privacy Notice\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

For information on our Customer Privacy Notice, please click on the following link:

\",\n \"


\"\n ]\n }\n ]\n}","export const MortgagePrivacyJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Mortgage Intermediary Portal Privacy Notice\",\n \"id\": \"privacy-notice\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"Before we begin\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

This notice (Privacy Notice) applies to personal information held by members of the HSBC Group as data controllers, as described below. It explains what information we collect about you, as a mortgage intermediary, and any applicant/s, how we'll use that information, who we'll share it with, the circumstances when we'll share it and what steps we'll take to make sure it stays private and secure. It continues to apply even if your use of the Mortgage Intermediary Portal (Portal) or our Introducer Agreement with you comes to an end.

\",\n \"

In this Notice, Mortgage Intermediary means the individual registered as a Mortgage intermediary and who has signed an Introducer Agreement with us.

\",\n \"

Applicant means any potential or actual applicant applying for a mortgage offered by us through you, as the mortgage intermediary.

\",\n \"

This Privacy Notice applies to your use of the Mortgage Intermediary Portal (the Portal). When we say 'we', we mean HSBC UK Bank plc and any other HSBC Group companies which act as a data controller in respect of your personal data. For the purposes of this notice, the relevant data controller is HSBC UK Bank plc, as the operator of the Portal in connection with the provision of these services. You can find the contact details of this entity and its data protection officer (where relevant) by [clicking here and selecting the relevant country]. If you also have a relationship with us a customer or with other parts of the HSBC Group or (e.g. HSBC business banking, first direct, M&S Bank or HSBC in any other countries), they'll provide you with information separately where required.

\",\n \"

The Mortgage Intermediary acts as data controller in respect of any information collected from the applicant before it is submitted to the Portal. As such, you are responsible for providing a privacy notice to your applicants and for obtaining any relevant consents prior to collecting their information for submission on the Portal.

\",\n \"

You must also advise applicants that their data will be transmitted electronically and that you may track the progress of their application electronically, and you must ensure that the applicants receive our Privacy Notice prior to their information being entered into the Portal.

\",\n \"

The information we collect from you (as described below) is required to provide you with access to the Portal, to fulfil our agreement with you, and to enable us to fulfil our legal and regulatory compliance obligations, as described below. Failure to provide your information, (or if all personal data submitted to us is not complete, accurate, true and correct) may mean it will not be possible to provide you with access to the Portal.

\",\n \"

The information you submit on the Portal about applicants is required to process their request for a mortgage and provide them with decision. Details of how we will use applicants' information can be found in our Privacy Notice. You must provide the applicant with our Privacy Notice prior to entering their information on the Portal. A different Privacy Notice may

\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"What information we collect\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

We'll only collect your information in line with relevant regulations and law. The information we collect may include:

\",\n \"

Information that you, or your employer /the profile owner you represent /administrator, provide to us, e.g:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

Information we collect or generate about you, e.g:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

Information we collect from other sources, e.g:

\",\n \"\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"How we'll use your information\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

We'll only use your information where we have your consent or we have another lawful reason for using it. These reasons include where we:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

The reasons we use your information include to:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

Tracking or recording what you say or do

\",\n \"

We may record details of your interactions with us, including emails, telephone conversations, live chats, video chats and any other kinds of communication. We may use these recordings to check your instructions to us, assess, analyse and improve our service, train our people, manage risk or to prevent and detect fraud and other crimes. We may also capture additional information about these interactions, such as information about the devices or software that you use.

\",\n \"

Compliance with laws and regulatory compliance obligations

\",\n \"

We'll use your information to meet our compliance obligations, to comply with other laws and regulations and to share with regulators and other authorities that HSBC Group companies are subject to. This may include using it to help detect or prevent crime (including terrorism financing, money laundering and other financial crimes). We'll only do this on the basis that it's needed to comply with a legal obligation or it's in our legitimate interests and that of others.

\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Who we might share your information with\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

We may share your information with others where lawful to do so including where we or they:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

We may share your information for these purposes with others including the profile owner you represent, any other HSBC group companies and any sub-contractors, agents or service providers who work for us or provide services to us or other HSBC Group companies (including their employees, sub-contractors, service providers, directors and officers). This includes sharing your information with third party information providers operating in financial markets where required in connection with their services.

\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"How long we'll keep your information\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

We keep your information in line with our data retention policy, for example, we'll normally keep core banking data for a period of seven years from the end of our relationship with you.

\",\n \"

This enables us to comply with legal and regulatory requirements or use it where we need to for our legitimate purposes such as managing your account and dealing with any disputes or concerns that may arise. We may need to retain your information for a longer period where we need the information to comply with regulatory or legal requirements or where we may need it for our legitimate purposes e.g. to help us respond to queries or complaints, fighting fraud and financial crime, responding to requests from regulators, etc. If we don't need to retain information for this period of time, we may destroy, delete or anonymise it more promptly.

\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Transferring your information overseas\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Your information may be transferred to and stored in locations outside the European Economic Area (EEA), including countries that may not have the same level of protection for personal information. When we do this, we'll ensure it has an appropriate level of protection and that the transfer is lawful. We may need to transfer your information in this way to carry out our contract with you, to fulfil a legal obligation, to protect the public interest and / or for our legitimate interests. In some countries the law might compel us to share certain information, e.g. with tax authorities. Even in these cases, we'll only share your information with people who have the right to see it. You can obtain more details of the protection given to your information when it is transferred outside the EEA by contacting us using the details in the 'More details about your information' section below.

\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Your rights\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

You have a number of rights in relation to the information that we hold about you. These rights include:

\",\n \"\",\n \"

You can exercise your rights by contacting us using the details set out below. You may also have a right to complain to the relevant data protection regulator in the country in which you live or work.

\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"How we keep your information secure\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

We use a range of measures to keep your information safe and secure which may include encryption and other forms of security. We require our staff and any third parties who carry out any work on our behalf to comply with appropriate compliance standards including obligations to protect any information and applying appropriate measures for the use and transfer of information.

\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"More details about your information\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

If you'd like further information on anything we've said in this notice, or to contact our Data Protection Officer where applicable, please contact your usual HSBC representative. This Privacy Notice may be updated from time to time. We will post any updates on this page.

\",\n ]\n }\n ]\n}","/* eslint-disable no-multi-str */\nexport const SiteMapLegalInfoJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Site map\",\n \"id\": \"site-map\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"1. Products\",\n \"children\": [\n \"\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"2. Calculators\",\n \"children\": [\n \"\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"3. Criteria\",\n \"children\": [\n \"\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"4. Placing business\",\n \"children\": [\n \"\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"5. Legal Information\",\n \"children\": [\n \"\\\n \\\n \"\n ]\n },\n ]\n}","/* eslint-disable no-multi-str */\nexport const TermsAndConditionsJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Website Terms and Conditions\",\n \"id\": \"terms-conditions\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"About this document\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

This Site is operated by HSBC UK Bank plc, which is owned by HSBC Holdings plc. You should read these Terms carefully, as well as our Cookie Policy ('Cookie Policy') and Privacy Notice and the terms of the introducer agreement entered into between you and us, which governs the relationship between us ('Introducer Agreement') as by accessing this Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and our Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, you must not use the Site. In event of any conflict between these Terms, the Cookie Policy and the Introducer Agreement, the order of precedence will be as follows: 1) Introducer Agreement; 2) these Terms; 3) Privacy Statement and 4) Cookie Policy.

\",\n \"

The information provided on the Site is for the exclusive use of FCA authorised mortgage intermediaries.

\",\n \"

The Site is operated by and has been approved for issue in the UK by HSBC UK Bank plc, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. It is listed with the registration number 765112. HSBC UK Bank plc is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with company registration number 9928412 and its registered office at 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 1HQ. HSBC UK Bank plc's registered VAT Number is GB 365684514.

\",\n \"

HSBC UK Bank plc is a member of the Financial Ombudsman Scheme. For information about accounts and other products you can refer to the Money Advice Service section on the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) website.

\",\n \"

In these Terms:

\",\n \"

‘applicant(s)’ means any potential or actual applicant applying for a mortgage offered by us through you, as the intermediary

\",\n \"

'content' means all pages, screens, information and materials included in or accessible through this Site (including any content available on any email or SMS services);

\",\n \"

'HSBC Group' means HSBC Holdings plc, its subsidiaries and associated companies from time to time;

\",\n \"

'Terms' means these site terms and privacy statement as updated from time to time under clause 1.2;

\",\n \"

'we', 'us' and 'our' means HSBC UK Bank plc

\",\n \"

'you', 'your' and 'yours' means you, the person(s) accessing this Site as the intermediary

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"1. Site Terms\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

1.1 These Terms, together with the Introducer Agreement, cover your use of this Site and explain how you may use this Site. All products and services provided by members of the HSBC Group have their own terms and conditions (the 'Product Terms'). You must ensure that applicants read the relevant Product Terms, as well as our privacy notice before you submit their application.


1.2 We may amend these Terms, the Website Privacy Notice and the Cookie Policy at any time without notice. Your use of the Site after such amendment will be subject to these Terms, Privacy Notice and the Cookie Policy as amended. We therefore recommend that you check the relevant pages of this Site from time to time to take notice of such changes, as any changes will be binding immediately once made.


1.3 The products and services advertised on this Site are subject to availabipty and may be withdrawn or amended at any time without notice.


1.4 The Site is available only to registered intermediaries.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"2. Privacy\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

2.1 You are responsible for providing applicants with an appropriate privacy notice and for obtaining any relevant consents prior to collecting their information for submission on the Portal.


2.2 You are responsible for advising applicants that data will be transmitted electronically and that you may track progress of their application electronically, and for ensuring that the applicants receive the privacy notice that contains information about how their personal information will be processed and shared by us and the HSBC Group.


2.3 You confirm that you have collected (and uploaded to the Portal) any applicants data, fairly and lawfully and otherwise in accordance with data protection laws.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"3. Information not recommendation\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

3.1 Information or opinions contained on this Site do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation, or offer to buy, any securities or financial instruments or investment advice or any advice or recommendation in respect of such securities or other financial instruments.


3.2 You are responsible for your actions and for providing proper advice to applicants in accordance with applicable law and the terms of the Introducer Agreement, including (but not limited to) in relation to the suitability of our products and services and any other advice you give about their application. We do not guarantee that the products and services advertised on the Site will be suitable for any applicants.


3.3 We reserve the right to reject any application submitted by you on behalf of the applicants without any explanation.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"4. Users of the site\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

4.1 The Site is currently intended for use by FCA authorised mortgage intermediaries within the United Kingdom only. Because of this we cannot guarantee that the Site or the information thereon complies with law or regulation outside of the United Kingdom, or is appropriate for use in other places or by applicants. If you choose to enter the Site from outside your country of residence, you are advised that it may not be legal in that jurisdiction for you to access or use the facilities available on the Site and the legal requirements of that jurisdiction may prohibit you from dealing or otherwise transacting in that jurisdiction. No member of the HSBC Group will be liable for any breach of local law or regulation that you may commit as a result of using and accessing the Site from a country in which you are not resident.


4.2 You are wholly responsible for use of the Site by any person using your computer and you must ensure that any such person complies with these Terms. You must treat your Portal login details as confidential and tell us immediately if you know or suspect that anyone knows your details or your details are being (or have been) used fraudulently. We reserve the right to disable your Portal login details if, in our reasonable opinion, you fail to comply with these Terms. You will be liable for any losses arising as a result of the misuse of your Portal login details.


4.3 Products or services on this Site do not constitute an offer or recommendation of any products or services provided by any of the HSBC Group members. The information provided on this Site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. This Site should not be considered as communicating any invitation or inducement to engage in banking or investment activity or any offer to buy or sell any securities or other instruments outside any jurisdictions where HSBC UK Bank plc is licenced or authorised to perform such activities (the 'Authorised Countries').


4.4 Not all the products and services that you may be able to view via this Site may be available in all geographical locations served by HSBC Group members. You should access only the local site(s) associated with your country of residence ('Your Local Site'). Products and services discussed outside Your Local Site may not be available in your jurisdiction of residence or in the Authorised Countries and may not be appropriate for the applicants. Your use of this Site is subject to the applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. HSBC Group members may decline to provide applicants with products and services subject to status.


4.5 Products discussed on this Site may not have been registered or authorised by any central bank, governmental or regulatory authority in the Authorised Countries or in the country of the applicants residence. Accordingly, they may not have the benefit of protection from the securities laws, banking laws and other relevant laws and regulations of their country of residence with respect to products or services referred to on or through this Site.


4.6 No representation is given that any securities, products, or services discussed in or accessible through this Site are suitable for any applicant. You acknowledge that your use of this Site and any requests for information you or the applicant have made as a result of visiting this Site are not the result of an offer made by HSBC UK Bank plc or another HSBC Group company and that the provision of any information through this Site shall not constitute or be considered investment or financial advice.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"5. Availability of Site\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

5.1 The content, including layout, of this Site, the Portal or services available via this Site may be wholly or partially suspended, withdrawn or changed at any time.


5.2 We also reserve the right to suspend the provision of all or any part of the Portal to you immediately and/or block your access to the Portal in any of the following situations:


5.2.1 If you have seriously or persistently breached or failed to observe any of these Terms or any provision of the Introducer Agreement including where:


\\\n you are, or we reasonably suspect that you may be, using or obtaining or allowing someone else to use or obtain an account, service or money illegally;

\\\n you are using, or we reasonably suspect that you are using, the Portal for an illegal purpose;

\\\n you are, or we reasonably suspect you may be, acting fraudulently; or

\\\n we suspect that an unauthorised person is attempting to access the Portal using your security details such as your Portal username and password;


5.2.2 If we reasonably consider that by continuing to provide you with access to the Portal:

\\\n we may break a law, regulation, code, court order or other duty; or

\\\n we, or another HSBC Group company, may be exposed to action or censure from any government regulatory or law enforcement agency; or


5.2.3 Where we have, or a member of the HSBC Group has, suspicions regarding financial crime or an associated risk.

\\\n \\\n

6.1 In accessing and using the Portal you will:\\\n


6.1.1 Comply with the terms of the Introducer Agreement;


6.1.2 Comply with all laws, regulations, rules, duties, and obligations (whether or not originating in the United Kingdom) which apply from time to time to, or are relevant in connection with, these Terms and the operation of your business;


6.1.3 Comply with all relevant requirements and provisions of any present or future legislation, regulations, or codes of practice;


6.1.4 Cooperate in any audit of us by the FCA, the Prudential Regulation Authority ('PRA'), Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, or any other body that regulates us or supervises compliance with any voluntary code of practice. This includes producing to us (or anybody authorised by us or any regulatory body) on demand any information in a format we or they require and within such time and at such place as they may require and giving them such assistance in connection with any investigation or audit as you are reasonably able to give; and


6.1.5 Hold all necessary authorisations, permissions, registrations, licences and similar instruments required under applicable law to carry out all activities under these Terms and the Introducer Agreement.



6.2 You must not do, or omit to do, anything which will or may:\\\n


6.2.1 Affect any authorisation, licence, consent or permission necessary or desirable for the conduct of our business or your business; or


6.2.2 Cause us to breach any laws, regulations, rules, codes of practice, duties, obligations or other requirements which may from time to time be relevant.



6.3 We may undertake such monitoring as we consider appropriate to satisfy any obligations imposed on us by the FCA, PRA or any other regulator.


6.4 Security - it is your sole responsibility adequately to:\\\n


6.4.1 protect and back up your data and equipment;


6.4.2 undertake reasonable and appropriate precautions against any computer virus or other destructive materials or elements; and


6.4.2 ensure that your devices and your access to the Portal are adequately secured against any unauthorised users.



6.5 Your use of this Site - you may not use this Site or permit others to use this Site:\\\n


6.5.1 for any purpose which is unlawful, defamatory or libellous, offensive, abusive, indecent, menacing or threatening or in any way that infringes any intellectual property rights or breaches any obligations of confidence;


6.5.2 to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any other person or in any other way which is in violation of any applicable law or regulation in any jurisdiction in the world;


6.5.3 to introduce a virus or malware or other disruptive material or element or otherwise disrupt or impair this Site or any communication service;


6.5.4 to commit any act of fraud;


6.5.5 for purposes of promoting unsolicited advertising or sending spam;


6.5.6 to disrupt the operation of this Site or the business of HSBC Group;


6.5.7 to represent or suggest that we endorse any other business, product or service unless we have separately agreed to do so in writing; or


6.5.8 to gain unauthorised access to or use of computers, data, systems, accounts or networks.


\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"7. No warranties\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

7.1 The following clauses exclude or limit our legal liability for the Site. You should read them carefully. They all apply only as far as the law permits, and in particular we do not exclude or restrict our duties and liabilities to you or any applicant under the Financial Services Act 2012 (the 'Act'), or the rules of the FCA for the conduct of business.


7.2 While we have taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy, currency, availability correctness and completeness of the information contained on the Site, information is provided on an 'as is', 'as available' basis and we do not give or make any warranty or representation of any kind, whether express or implied. The use of the Site is at your sole risk. To the extent permitted by law and subject to clause 7.14, we shall not be payable for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising (whether in tort, contract, negligence or otherwise and whether direct, indirect or consequential) as a result of your or any applicant's use of the Site, or use of or reliance on the information contained on the Site to the maximum extent permitted by law.


7.3 We do not represent or warrant that the Site will be available and meet your or any applicant's requirements, that access will be uninterrupted, that there will be no delays, failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage will occur to your computer system. You have sole responsibility for adequate protection and back up of data and/or equipment and for undertaking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses or other destructive properties.


7.4 We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, functionality or performance of any third party software that may be used in connection with the Site.


7.5 You agree to indemnify us for all direct and indirect losses we incur as a result of your use of the Site other than in accordance with these Terms.


7.6 To the extent permitted by law and notwithstanding the other sub-clauses within this clause 7, neither we nor any member of the HSBC Group shall be payable for any damage, loss or liability (whether arising in contract, tort, including negligence, or otherwise) arising out of or in connection with:


7.6.1 your use of this Site;


7.6.2 your reliance on or your inability to use the information, products or services on this Site; or


7.6.3 any failure or performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure to this Site or your use or attempted use of it.


7.7 The above exclusions apply to any damage which is direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential or consists of loss of profits, business, opportunity or data.


7.8 All of the above exclusions apply even if you have advised us or any other member of the HSBC Group of the possibility of the above types of damage, loss or liability.


7.9 We will take reasonable care to ensure that any information provided to you by the Site is an accurate reflection of the information contained in our computer systems or, where the information is provided by a third party, accurately reflects the information we receive from that third party. Where information provided via the Site is beyond our reasonable control (for example, it is provided by a third party), we cannot guarantee that it is accurate or error free. We also may explain in the Site's screens that certain information is provided subject to certain restrictions, or on a specific basis (for example, it is only accurate as at a certain date). If we do this and you rely on the information, you do so subject to those restrictions or the basis on which the information is provided.


7.10 We will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to your data, software, computer, telecommunications or other equipment caused by you using the Site unless such loss or damage is directly and solely caused by our negligence or deliberate default.


7.11 Unless we have specifically agreed with you otherwise, we shall have no liability for:


7.11.1 any equipment, software or associated user documentation which any person other than us produces at any time for use, or which can be used, in connection with the Site; and


7.11.2 any services through which you access the Site or which you access through the Site which are not controlled by us.


7.12 We shall not be responsible to you if we fail to comply with any of these Terms or you suffer any loss:


7.12.1 due to abnormal and unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which would have been unavoidable despite all efforts to the contrary; or


7.12.2 where this is due to our obligations under European or national law.


7.13 We shall have no liability to you for any breach of these Terms caused by any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, breakdown of systems or network access.


7.14 Nothing in this clause 7 shall serve to limit or exclude our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or death or personal injury, in each case caused by our negligence.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"8. Passwords and security\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

8.1 In order to use the Portal, you may be required to become a registered user. In order to become a registered user we will issue you with one or more of the following, namely, registered username, password, security device, other security identifier in accordance with our procedures in place from time to time.


8.2 You must take all reasonable precautions to keep safe and prevent fraudulent use of your security details (this will include your username, PINs, password and other security information) to access the Portal. You will keep your password secret and confidential at all times. Your password will allow you to access personal and confidential account and/or financial information. These precautions include, but are not limited to the following:


8.2.1 never writing down or otherwise recording your password or security information in a way that can be understood by someone else;


8.2.2 not choosing security details that may be easy to guess;


8.2.3 taking care to ensure that no one hears or sees your security details when you use them;


8.2.4 keeping your security details unique to the Portal;


8.2.5 never telling your security details to anyone else including our staff;


8.2.6 changing your security details immediately and telling us as soon as possible if you know, or even suspect, that someone else knows any of those details, or if we ask you to;


8.2.7 complying with all reasonable instructions we issue regarding keeping your security details safe;


8.2.8 never recording your password on any software which retains it automatically (for example any computer screen prompts or 'save password' feature or the like on your internet browser);


8.2.9 keeping your computer or other device secure by using anti-virus and anti-spyware software and a personal firewall;


8.2.10 never going to website login page directly from a link in an email and entering security or other details - always access the Portal by typing in the address to your web browser, unless retaining your password or security details is a specific function of a banking service provided by us;


8.2.11 never accessing the Portal from any device connected to any public internet access device or access point (for example, at an internet cafe);


8.2.12 once you have logged on to the Portal, not leaving the device from which you have accessed it unattended or letting anyone else use that device until you have logged off;


8.2.13 following all security measures recommended by the manufacturer of the device you use to access the Portal; and


8.2.14 keeping your password in a safe place at all times.


8.3 You agree to tell us immediately of any unauthorised access to the Portal using your password or any unauthorised transaction or instruction which you know of or suspect of if you suspect someone else knows your password. We will need you to help us and any law enforcement agency in trying to recover any losses or otherwise deal with the result of such access. We may disclose information about you or your Portal account to a law enforcement agency or other third parties if we think it will help prevent or recover losses, including the loss or unauthorised access to personal data.


8.4 You are wholly responsible for use of the Portal by any person using your password.


8.5 If asked, you must confirm in writing the loss or theft of your security details.


8.6 We will ask you to co-operate with us and the police in relation to any investigation into the actual or suspected misuse of your passwords, PIN(s), security details and/ or accounts.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"9. Third party sites and endorsements\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

9.1 Where we provide hypertext links to other locations on the Internet, we do so for information purposes only. We are not responsible for the content of any other websites or pages linked from or linking to this Site. We have not verified the content of any such websites. Following links to any other websites or pages shall be at your own risk and we shall not be responsible or liable for any damages or in other way in connection with linking. When you access or link to any other website, please read the terms and privacy notice issued by such other website to determine the policies that apply to information or data maintained by that website.


9.2 Links to downloadable software sites are for convenience only and we are not responsible or liable for any difficulties or consequences associated with downloading the software. Use of any downloaded software is governed by the terms of the license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is provided with the software.


9.3 No endorsement or approval of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressed or implied by any information on our Site.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"10. Trade marks and copyright\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

10.1 Copyright in the pages screens, information and material in their arrangement included in this Site and all intellectual property rights in it including but not limited to any content are owned by us, our licensors or both (as applicable). Intellectual property rights means rights such as: copyright, trade marks, domain names, design rights, database rights, patents and all other intellectual property rights of any kind whether or not they are registered or unregistered (anywhere in the world). We and our licensors reserve all of our and their rights in any intellectual property in connection with these Terms. This means, for example, that we and they remain owners of them and free to use them as we and they see fit.


10.2 Nothing in these Terms grants you any legal rights in the Site other than as necessary to enable you to access the Site. You may imprint, copy, download or temporarily store extracts from our Site for your information or when you discuss our products and services with applicants. You must not alter anything, and agree not to adjust to try to circumvent or delete any notices contained on the Site (including any intellectual property notices) and in particular in any digital rights or other security technology embedded or contained within the Site.


10.3 Any other use is prohibited unless you first get our written permission. In particular no one may use a part of our Site on any other website, or link any other website to our Site, without our prior written permission.


10.4 The use of any trade marks on the Site is strictly prohibited unless you have our prior written permission.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"11. Links to our site\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

11.1 Neither you nor any other party may use any part of this Site on any other website, or link any other website to this Site, without our prior written permission.


11.2 We are not responsible for the set up of any link from a third party website to our Site.


11.3 Neither you nor any other party may deep link to, frame, slider, harvest or scrape the Content or otherwise access the Content for any purposes, or use any machine, electronic, web based or similar device to read or extract the content by machine based or automated means, without our prior written permission.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"12. Internet e-mail\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Messages sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure as they are subject to possible interception or loss or possible alteration. We are not responsible for them and will not be liable to you, an applicant or anyone else for any damages or otherwise in connection with any message sent by you to us or any message sent by us to you over the internet.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"13. Governing law\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

The Terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the courts of the above jurisdiction will have non-exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute, which may arise.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"14. General\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

14.1 No delay by either party in enforcing the provisions of these Terms will prejudice or restrict the rights of that party nor will any waiver of its right operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach and no right, power or remedy conferred on or reserved for either party is exclusive of any other right, power or remedy available to that party and each such right, power or remedy will be cumulative.


14.2 The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any of these Terms will not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the other Terms.


14.3 Headings are used in these Terms for convenience only and will not affect their enforceability.


14.4 No one other than a party to these Terms has any right to enforce any of these Terms

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"15. Your queries\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

If you wish to contact us, please refer to the Contact Us link which can be found on each page of the site.

\\\n \"\n ]\n },\n ]\n}","/*eslint no-multi-str: 0 */\n\nexport const LegalInformationsJsonData = {\n \"title\": \"Legal informations\",\n \"accordionList\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"Website Terms and Conditions\",\n \"id\": \"terms-conditions\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Website Terms and Conditions

\",\n \"

This document sets out the terms and conditions ('Terms') governing your use of this website, including portal.intermediaries.hsbc.co.uk (the 'Portal') (together the 'Site'). Use of the Site includes accessing, browsing or registering to use the Site.

\",\n \"

This Site is operated by HSBC UK Bank plc, which is owned by HSBC Holdings plc. You should read these Terms carefully, as well as our Cookie Policy ('Cookie Policy') and Privacy Notice and the terms of the introducer agreement entered into between you and us, which governs the relationship between us ('Introducer Agreement') as by accessing this Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and our Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, you must not use the Site. In event of any conflict between these Terms, the Cookie Policy and the Introducer Agreement, the order of precedence will be as follows: 1) Introducer Agreement; 2) these Terms; 3) Privacy Statement and 4) Cookie Policy.

\",\n \"

The information provided on the Site is for the exclusive use of FCA authorised mortgage intermediaries.

\",\n \"

The Site is operated by and has been approved for issue in the UK by HSBC UK Bank plc, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. It is listed with the registration number 765112. HSBC UK Bank plc is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with company registration number 9928412 and its registered office at 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 1HQ. HSBC UK Bank plc's registered VAT Number is GB 365684514.

\",\n \"

HSBC UK Bank plc is a member of the Financial Ombudsman Scheme and subscribes to the Standards of Lending Practice. More detail about this is available on the Lending Standards Board website. For information about accounts and other products you can refer to the Money Advice Service section on the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) website.

\",\n \"

In these Terms:

\",\n \"

‘applicant(s)’ means any potential or actual applicant applying for a mortgage offered by us through you, as the intermediary

\",\n \"

'content' means all pages, screens, information and materials included in or accessible through this Site (including any content available on any email or SMS services);

\",\n \"

'HSBC Group' means HSBC Holdings plc, its subsidiaries and associated companies from time to time;

\",\n \"

'Terms' means these site terms and privacy statement as updated from time to time under clause 1.2;

\",\n \"

'we', 'us' and 'our' means HSBC UK Bank plc

\",\n \"

'you', 'your' and 'yours' means you, the person(s) accessing this Site as the intermediary

\",\n \"
  1. Site Terms\\\n
    • 1.1These Terms, together with the Introducer Agreement, cover your use of this Site and explain how you may use this Site. All products and services provided by members of the HSBC Group have their own terms and conditions (the 'Product Terms'). You must ensure that applicants read the relevant Product Terms, as well as our privacy notice before you submit their application.
    • \\\n
    • 1.2We may amend these Terms, the Website Privacy Notice and the Cookie Policy at any time without notice. Your use of the Site after such amendment will be subject to these Terms, Privacy Notice and the Cookie Policy as amended. We therefore recommend that you check the relevant pages of this Site from time to time to take notice of such changes, as any changes will be binding immediately once made.
    • \\\n
    • 1.3The products and services advertised on this Site are subject to availability and may be withdrawn or amended at any time without notice.
    • \\\n
    • 1.4The Site is available only to registered intermediaries.
    • \\\n
  2. \\\n
  3. Privacy\\\n
    • 2.1You are responsible for providing applicants with an appropriate privacy notice and for obtaining any relevant consents prior to collecting their information for submission on the Portal.
    • \\\n
    • 2.2You are responsible for advising applicants that data will be transmitted electronically and that you may track progress of their application electronically, and for ensuring that the applicants receive the privacy notice that contains information about how their personal information will be processed and shared by us and the HSBC Group.
    • \\\n
    • 2.3You confirm that you have collected (and uploaded to the Portal) any applicant data, fairly and lawfully and otherwise in accordance with data protection laws.
    • \\\n
  4. \\\n
  5. Information not recommendation\\\n
    • 3.1Information or opinions contained on this Site do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation, or offer to buy, any securities or financial instruments or investment advice or any advice or recommendation in respect of such securities or other financial instruments.
    • \\\n
    • 3.2You are responsible for your actions and for providing proper advice to applicants in accordance with applicable law and the terms of the Introducer Agreement, including (but not limited to) in relation to the suitability of our products and services and any other advice you give about their application. We do not guarantee that the products and services advertised on the Site will be suitable for any applicant.
    • \\\n
    • 3.3We reserve the right to reject any application submitted by you on behalf of the applicants without any explanation.
    • \\\n
  6. \\\n
  7. Users of the site\\\n
    • 4.1The Site is currently intended for use by FCA authorised mortgage intermediaries within the United Kingdom only. Because of this we cannot guarantee that the Site or the information thereon complies with law or regulation outside of the United Kingdom, or is appropriate for use in other places or by applicants. If you choose to enter the Site from outside your country of residence, you are advised that it may not be legal in that jurisdiction for you to access or use the facilities available on the Site and the legal requirements of that jurisdiction may prohibit you from dealing or otherwise transacting in that jurisdiction. No member of the HSBC Group will be liable for any breach of local law or regulation that you may commit as a result of using and accessing the Site from a country in which you are not resident.
    • \\\n
    • 4.2You are wholly responsible for use of the Site by any person using your computer and you must ensure that any such person complies with these Terms. You must treat your Portal login details as confidential and tell us immediately if you know or suspect that anyone knows your details or your details are being (or have been) used fraudulently. We reserve the right to disable your Portal login details if, in our reasonable opinion, you fail to comply with these Terms. You will be liable for any losses arising as a result of the misuse of your Portal login details.
    • \\\n
    • 4.3Products or services on this Site do not constitute an offer or recommendation of any products or services provided by any of the HSBC Group members. The information provided on this Site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. This Site should not be considered as communicating any invitation or inducement to engage in banking or investment activity or any offer to buy or sell any securities or other instruments outside any jurisdictions where HSBC UK Bank plc is licensed or authorised to perform such activities (the 'Authorised Countries').
    • \\\n
    • 4.4Not all the products and services that you may be able to view via this Site may be available in all geographical locations served by HSBC Group members. You should access only the local site(s) associated with your country of residence ('Your Local Site'). Products and services discussed outside Your Local Site may not be available in your jurisdiction of residence or in the Authorised Countries and may not be appropriate for the applicants. Your use of this Site is subject to the applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. HSBC Group members may decline to provide applicants with products and services subject to status.
    • \\\n
    • 4.5Products discussed on this Site may not have been registered or authorised by any central bank, governmental or regulatory authority in the Authorised Countries or in the country of the applicant's residence. Accordingly, they may not have the benefit of protection from the securities laws, banking laws and other relevant laws and regulations of their country of residence with respect to products or services referred to on or through this Site.
    • \\\n
    • 4.6No representation is given that any securities, products, or services discussed in or accessible through this Site are suitable for any applicant. You acknowledge that your use of this Site and any requests for information you or the applicant have made as a result of visiting this Site are not the result of an offer made by HSBC UK Bank plc or another HSBC Group company and that the provision of any information through this Site shall not constitute or be considered investment or financial advice.
    • \\\n
  8. \\\n
  9. Availability of Site\\\n
    • 5.1The content, including layout, of this Site, the Portal or services available via this Site may be wholly or partially suspended, withdrawn or changed at any time.
    • \\\n
    • 5.2We also reserve the right to suspend the provision of all or any part of the Portal to you immediately and/or block your access to the Portal in any of the following situations:\\\n
      • 5.2.1If you have seriously or persistently breached or failed to observe any of these Terms or any provision of the Introducer Agreement including where:\\\n
        • are, or we reasonably suspect that you may be, using or obtaining or allowing someone else to use or obtain an account, service or money illegally;
        • \\\n
        • are using, or we reasonably suspect that you are using, the Portal for an illegal purpose;
        • \\\n
        • are, or we reasonably suspect you may be, acting fraudulently; or
        • \\\n
        • suspect that an unauthorised person is attempting to access the Portal using your security details such as your Portal username and password;
        • \\\n
      • \\\n
      • 5.2.2If we reasonably consider that by continuing to provide you with access to the Portal:\\\n
        • may break a law, regulation, code, court order or other duty; or
        • \\\n
        •, or another HSBC Group company, may be exposed to action or censure from any government regulatory or law enforcement agency; or
        • \\\n
      • \\\n
      • 5.2.3Where we have, or a member of the HSBC Group has, suspicions regarding financial crime or an associated risk.
      • \\\n
    • \\\n
  10. \\\n
  11. Your obligations\\\n
    • 6.1In accessing and using the Portal you will:\\\n
      • 6.1.1Comply with the terms of the Introducer Agreement;
      • \\\n
      • 6.1.2Comply with all laws, regulations, rules, duties, and obligations (whether or not originating in the United Kingdom) which apply from time to time to, or are relevant in connection with, these Terms and the operation of your business;
      • \\\n
      • 6.1.3Comply with all relevant requirements and provisions of any present or future legislation, regulations, or codes of practice;
      • \\\n
      • 6.1.4Cooperate in any audit of us by the FCA, the Prudential Regulation Authority ('PRA'), Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, or any other body that regulates us or supervises compliance with any voluntary code of practice. This includes producing to us (or anybody authorised by us or any regulatory body) on demand any information in a format we or they require and within such time and at such place as they may require and giving them such assistance in connection with any investigation or audit as you are reasonably able to give; and
      • \\\n
      • 6.1.5Hold all necessary authorisations, permissions, registrations, licences and similar instruments required under applicable law to carry out all activities under these Terms and the Introducer Agreement.
      • \\\n
    • \\\n
    • 6.2You must not do, or omit to do, anything which will or may:\\\n
      • 6.2.1Affect any authorisation, licence, consent or permission necessary or desirable for the conduct of our business or your business; or
      • \\\n
      • 6.2.2Cause us to breach any laws, regulations, rules, codes of practice, duties, obligations or other requirements which may from time to time be relevant.
      • \\\n
    • \\\n
    • 6.3We may undertake such monitoring as we consider appropriate to satisfy any obligations imposed on us by the FCA, PRA or any other regulator.
    • \\\n
    • 6.4Security - it is your sole responsibility adequately to:\\\n
      • 6.4.1protect and back up your data and equipment;
      • \\\n
      • 6.4.2undertake reasonable and appropriate precautions against any computer virus or other destructive materials or elements; and
      • \\\n
      • 6.4.2ensure that your devices and your access to the Portal are adequately secured against any unauthorised users.
      • \\\n
    • \\\n
    • 6.5Your use of this Site - you may not use this Site or permit others to use this Site:\\\n
      • 6.5.1for any purpose which is unlawful, defamatory or libelous, offensive, abusive, indecent, menacing or threatening or in any way that infringes any intellectual property rights or breaches any obligations of confidence;
      • \\\n
      • 6.5.2to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any other person or in any other way which is in violation of any applicable law or regulation in any jurisdiction in the world;
      • \\\n
      • 6.5.3to introduce a virus or malware or other disruptive material or element or otherwise disrupt or impair this Site or any communication service;
      • \\\n
      • 6.5.4to commit any act of fraud;
      • \\\n
      • 6.5.5for purposes of promoting unsolicited advertising or sending spam;
      • \\\n
      • 6.5.6to disrupt the operation of this Site or the business of HSBC Group;
      • \\\n
      • 6.5.7to represent or suggest that we endorse any other business, product or service unless we have separately agreed to do so in writing; or
      • \\\n
      • 6.5.8to gain unauthorised access to or use of computers, data, systems, accounts or networks.
      • \\\n
    • \\\n
  12. \\\n
  13. No warranties\\\n
    • 7.1The following clauses exclude or limit our legal liability for the Site. You should read them carefully. They all apply only as far as the law permits, and in particular we do not exclude or restrict our duties and liabilities to you or any applicant under the Financial Services Act 2012 (the 'Act'), or the rules of the FCA for the conduct of business.
    • \\\n
    • 7.2While we have taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy, currency, availability correctness and completeness of the information contained on the Site, information is provided on an 'as is', 'as available' basis and we do not give or make any warranty or representation of any kind, whether express or implied. The use of the Site is at your sole risk. To the extent permitted by law and subject to clause 7.14, we shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising (whether in tort, contract, negligence or otherwise and whether direct, indirect or consequential) as a result of your or any applicant's use of the Site, or use of or reliance on the information contained on the Site to the maximum extent permitted by law.
    • \\\n
    • 7.3We do not represent or warrant that the Site will be available and meet your or any applicant's requirements, that access will be uninterrupted, that there will be no delays, failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage will occur to your computer system. You have sole responsibility for adequate protection and back up of data and/or equipment and for undertaking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses or other destructive properties.
    • \\\n
    • 7.4We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, functionality or performance of any third party software that may be used in connection with the Site.
    • \\\n
    • 7.5You agree to indemnify us for all direct and indirect losses we incur as a result of your use of the Site other than in accordance with these Terms.
    • \\\n
    • 7.6To the extent permitted by law and notwithstanding the other sub-clauses within this clause 7, neither we nor any member of the HSBC Group shall be liable for any damage, loss or liability (whether arising in contract, tort, including negligence, or otherwise) arising out of or in connection with:\\\n
      • 7.6.1your use of this Site;
      • \\\n
      • 7.6.2your reliance on or your inability to use the information, products or services on this Site; or
      • \\\n
      • 7.6.3any failure or performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure to this Site or your use or attempted use of it.
      • \\\n
    • \\\n
    • 7.7The above exclusions apply to any damage which is direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential or consists of loss of profits, business, opportunity or data.
    • \\\n
    • 7.8All of the above exclusions apply even if you have advised us or any other member of the HSBC Group of the possibility of the above types of damage, loss or liability.
    • \\\n
    • 7.9We will take reasonable care to ensure that any information provided to you by the Site is an accurate reflection of the information contained in our computer systems or, where the information is provided by a third party, accurately reflects the information we receive from that third party. Where information provided via the Site is beyond our reasonable control (for example, it is provided by a third party), we cannot guarantee that it is accurate or error free. We also may explain in the Site's screens that certain information is provided subject to certain restrictions, or on a specific basis (for example, it is only accurate as at a certain date). If we do this and you rely on the information, you do so subject to those restrictions or the basis on which the information is provided.
    • \\\n
    • 7.10We will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to your data, software, computer, telecommunications or other equipment caused by you using the Site unless such loss or damage is directly and solely caused by our negligence or deliberate default.
    • \\\n
    • 7.11Unless we have specifically agreed with you otherwise, we shall have no liability for:\\\n
      • 7.11.1any equipment, software or associated user documentation which any person other than us produces at any time for use, or which can be used, in connection with the Site; and
      • \\\n
      • 7.11.2any services through which you access the Site or which you access through the Site which are not controlled by us.
      • \\\n
    • \\\n
    • 7.12We shall not be responsible to you if we fail to comply with any of these Terms or you suffer any loss:\\\n
      • 7.12.1due to abnormal and unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which would have been unavoidable despite all efforts to the contrary; or
      • \\\n
      • 7.12.2where this is due to our obligations under European or national law.
      • \\\n
    • \\\n
    • 7.13We shall have no liability to you for any breach of these Terms caused by any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, breakdown of systems or network access.
    • \\\n
    • 7.14Nothing in this clause 7 shall serve to limit or exclude our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or death or personal injury, in each case caused by our negligence.
    • \\\n
  14. \\\n
  15. Passwords and security\\\n
    • 8.1In order to use the Portal, you may be required to become a registered user. In order to become a registered user we will issue you with one or more of the following, namely, registered username, password, security device, other security identifier in accordance with our procedures in place from time to time.
    • \\\n
    • 8.2You must take all reasonable precautions to keep safe and prevent fraudulent use of your security details (this will include your username, PINs, password and other security information) to access the Portal. You will keep your password secret and confidential at all times. Your password will allow you to access personal and confidential account and/or financial information. These precautions include, but are not limited to the following:\\\n
      • 8.2.1never writing down or otherwise recording your password or security information in a way that can be understood by someone else;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.2not choosing security details that may be easy to guess;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.3taking care to ensure that no one hears or sees your security details when you use them;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.4keeping your security details unique to the Portal;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.5never telling your security details to anyone else including our staff;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.6changing your security details immediately and telling us as soon as possible if you know, or even suspect, that someone else knows any of those details, or if we ask you to;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.7complying with all reasonable instructions we issue regarding keeping your security details safe;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.8never recording your password on any software which retains it automatically (for example any computer screen prompts or 'save password' feature or the like on your internet browser);
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.9keeping your computer or other device secure by using anti-virus and anti-spyware software and a personal firewall;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.10never going to website login page directly from a link in an email and entering security or other details - always access the Portal by typing in the address to your web browser, unless retaining your password or security details is a specific function of a banking service provided by us;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.11never accessing the Portal from any device connected to any public internet access device or access point (for example, at an internet cafe);
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.12once you have logged on to the Portal, not leaving the device from which you have accessed it unattended or letting anyone else use that device until you have logged off;
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.13following all security measures recommended by the manufacturer of the device you use to access the Portal; and
      • \\\n
      • 8.2.14keeping your password in a safe place at all times.
      • \\\n
    • \\\n
    • 8.3You agree to tell us immediately of any unauthorised access to the Portal using your password or any unauthorised transaction or instruction which you know of or suspect of if you suspect someone else knows your password. We will need you to help us and any law enforcement agency in trying to recover any losses or otherwise deal with the result of such access. We may disclose information about you or your Portal account to a law enforcement agency or other third parties if we think it will help prevent or recover losses, including the loss or unauthorised access to personal data.
    • \\\n
    • 8.4You are wholly responsible for use of the Portal by any person using your password.
    • \\\n
    • 8.5If asked, you must confirm in writing the loss or theft of your security details.
    • \\\n
    • 8.6We will ask you to co-operate with us and the police in relation to any investigation into the actual or suspected misuse of your passwords, PIN(s), security details and/ or accounts.
    • \\\n
  16. \\\n
  17. Third party sites and endorsements\\\n
    • 9.1Where we provide hypertext links to other locations on the Internet, we do so for information purposes only. We are not responsible for the content of any other websites or pages linked from or linking to this Site. We have not verified the content of any such websites. Following links to any other websites or pages shall be at your own risk and we shall not be responsible or liable for any damages or in other way in connection with linking. When you access or link to any other website, please read the terms and privacy notice issued by such other website to determine the policies that apply to information or data maintained by that website.
    • \\\n
    • 9.2Links to downloadable software sites are for convenience only and we are not responsible or liable for any difficulties or consequences associated with downloading the software. Use of any downloaded software is governed by the terms of the license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is provided with the software.
    • \\\n
    • 9.3No endorsement or approval of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressed or implied by any information on our Site.
    • \\\n
  18. \\\n
  19. Trade marks and copyright\\\n
    • 10.1Copyright in the pages screens, information and material in their arrangement included in this Site and all intellectual property rights in it including but not limited to any content are owned by us, our licensors or both (as applicable). Intellectual property rights means rights such as: copyright, trade marks, domain names, design rights, database rights, patents and all other intellectual property rights of any kind whether or not they are registered or unregistered (anywhere in the world). We and our licensors reserve all of our and their rights in any intellectual property in connection with these Terms. This means, for example, that we and they remain owners of them and free to use them as we and they see fit.
    • \\\n
    • 10.2Nothing in these Terms grants you any legal rights in the Site other than as necessary to enable you to access the Site. You may imprint, copy, download or temporarily store extracts from our Site for your information or when you discuss our products and services with applicants. You must not alter anything, and agree not to adjust to try to circumvent or delete any notices contained on the Site (including any intellectual property notices) and in particular in any digital rights or other security technology embedded or contained within the Site.
    • \\\n
    • 10.3Any other use is prohibited unless you first get our written permission. In particular no one may use a part of our Site on any other website, or link any other website to our Site, without our prior written permission.
    • \\\n
    • 10.4The use of any trade marks on the Site is strictly prohibited unless you have our prior written permission.
    • \\\n
  20. \\\n
  21. Links to our site\\\n
    • 11.1Neither you nor any other party may use any part of this Site on any other website, or link any other website to this Site, without our prior written permission.
    • \\\n
    • 11.2We are not responsible for the set up of any link from a third party website to our Site.
    • \\\n
    • 11.3Neither you nor any other party may deep link to, frame, slider, harvest or scrape the Content or otherwise access the Content for any purposes, or use any machine, electronic, web based or similar device to read or extract the content by machine based or automated means, without our prior written permission.
    • \\\n
  22. \\\n
  23. Internet e-mail\\\n
    • Messages sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure as they are subject to possible interception or loss or possible alteration. We are not responsible for them and will not be liable to you, an applicant or anyone else for any damages or otherwise in connection with any message sent by you to us or any message sent by us to you over the internet.
  24. \\\n
  25. Governing law\\\n
    • The Terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the courts of the above jurisdiction will have non-exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute, which may arise.
  26. \\\n
  27. General\\\n
    • 14.1No delay by either party in enforcing the provisions of these Terms will prejudice or restrict the rights of that party nor will any waiver of its right operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach and no right, power or remedy conferred on or reserved for either party is exclusive of any other right, power or remedy available to that party and each such right, power or remedy will be cumulative.
    • \\\n
    • 14.2The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any of these Terms will not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the other Terms.
    • \\\n
    • 14.3Headings are used in these Terms for convenience only and will not affect their enforceability.
    • \\\n
    • 14.4No one other than a party to these Terms has any right to enforce any of these Terms
    • \\\n
  28. \\\n
  29. Your queries\\\n
    • If you wish to contact us, please refer to the Contact Us link which can be found on each page of the site.
  30. \\\n
\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Accessibility\",\n \"id\": \"accessibility\",\n \"children\": [\n \"


\",\n \"
  • We only use strong colour contrasts
  • Headings are used correctly to make them readable through screen readers
  • Links do what they say. We don't use 'click here'
  • Tables are laid out in tabular form with headings and summaries
  • We use style sheets to determine the presentation of our web site - this assists those using screen reading devices
  • Where we use images, we use alternative text so that those people who cannot see the image can read the text. These can be read by screen reading devices.
\",\n\n \"

System requirement

\",\n \"

Personal Internet Banking is available to both PC and Apple Mac users with modern internet enabled machines.
Range of browsers and operating systems that we support:

\",\n \"


\",\n \"
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Safari 6 and above
  • Google Chrome latest
  • We are accessible in various smart phone browsers
\",\n\n \"

Operating systems

\",\n \"
\",\n \"
  • Windows 7, 10
  • Mac OS X 10.10 and above
\",\n \n \"

Browser updates are available free of charge from each browser provider. Operating systems can be purchased from software vendors.

\",\n \"

We will update our list of supported browsers and operating systems from time to time as the software used by our customers changes.

\",\n \"

The details are correct as of 1 October 2015.

\",\n \"

Reasons to upgrade your browser

\",\n \"
  • New versions are more secure
  • New versions are faster
  • Improved browsing experience
\",\n\n \"

Browser updates are available from Microsoft, Firefox, Safari, Google.

\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Site map\",\n \"id\": \"site-map\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Site map

\",\n \"


\\\n \\\n
\\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n

Legal Information

  • Terms of Use
  • \\\n
  • Accessibility
  • \\\n
  • Site map
  • \\\n
  • Cookie policy
  • \\\n
\\\n \\\n
\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Cookie policy\",\n \"id\": \"cookie-policy\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Cookie policy

\",\n \"

For information on our current Cookie policy, please click on the following link:

\", \n \"


\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Mortgage Intermediary Portal Privacy Notice\",\n \"id\": \"privacy-notice\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Privacy Notice

\",\n \"

Before we begin

\",\n \"

This notice (Privacy Notice) applies to personal information held by members of the HSBC Group as data controllers, as described below. It explains what information we collect about you, as a mortgage intermediary, and any applicant/s, how we'll use that information, who we'll share it with, the circumstances when we'll share it and what steps we'll take to make sure it stays private and secure. It continues to apply even if your use of the Mortgage Intermediary Portal (Portal) or our Introducer Agreement with you comes to an end.

\",\n \"

In this Notice, Mortgage Intermediary means the individual registered as a Mortgage intermediary and who has signed an Introducer Agreement with us.

\",\n \"

Applicant means any potential or actual applicant applying for a mortgage offered by us through you, as the mortgage intermediary.

\",\n \"

This Privacy Notice applies to your use of the Mortgage Intermediary Portal (the Portal). When we say 'we', we mean HSBC UK Bank plc and any other HSBC Group companies which act as a data controller in respect of your personal data. For the purposes of this notice, the relevant data controller is HSBC UK Bank plc, as the operator of the Portal in connection with the provision of these services. You can find the contact details of this entity and its data protection officer (where relevant) by [clicking here and selecting the relevant country]. If you also have a relationship with us a customer or with other parts of the HSBC Group or (e.g. HSBC business banking, first direct, M&S Bank or HSBC in any other countries), they'll provide you with information separately where required.

\",\n \"

The Mortgage Intermediary acts as data controller in respect of any information collected from the applicant before it is submitted to the Portal. As such, you are responsible for providing a privacy notice to your applicants and for obtaining any relevant consents prior to collecting their information for submission on the Portal.

\",\n \"

You must also advise applicants that their data will be transmitted electronically and that you may track the progress of their application electronically, and you must ensure that the applicants receive our Privacy Notice prior to their information being entered into the Portal.

\",\n \"

The information we collect from you (as described below) is required to provide you with access to the Portal, to fulfil our agreement with you, and to enable us to fulfil our legal and regulatory compliance obligations, as described below. Failure to provide your information, (or if all personal data submitted to us is not complete, accurate, true and correct) may mean it will not be possible to provide you with access to the Portal.

\",\n \"

The information you submit on the Portal about applicants is required to process their request for a mortgage and provide them with decision. Details of how we will use applicants' information can be found in our Privacy Notice. You must provide the applicant with our Privacy Notice prior to entering their information on the Portal. A different Privacy Notice may

\",\n \"

What information we collect

\",\n \"

We'll only collect your information in line with relevant regulations and law. The information we collect may include:

\",\n \"

Information that you, or your employer /the profile owner you represent /administrator, provide to us, e.g:

\",\n \"
  • personal details, e.g. name, previous names, gender, date of birth, occupation;
  • information concerning your identity (e.g. passport information or other photo ID, National Insurance number);
  • contact details, e.g. home and work address, email address and phone numbers;
  • user login and subscription data, e.g. login credentials for the Portal ;
  • other information about you that you give us by filling in forms, surveys, or by communicating with us, whether face-to-face, by phone, email, online, or otherwise.
\",\n \"

Information we collect or generate about you, e.g:

\",\n \"
  • information about you or those you represent and their relationship with us, including the channels you use and your ways of interacting with us and the Portal as well information concerning complaints and disputes;
  • authentication information (e.g. your biometric information, such as your voice for voice ID, or fingerprint);
  • information included in customer documentation (e.g. a record of advice that we may have given you);
  • cookies, and similar technologies we use to recognise you, remember your preferences and tailor the content we provide to you - our cookie policy available at [http://www.intermediaries.hsbc.co.uk/legal-information] contains more details about how we use cookies;
  • investigations data, e.g. due diligence checks, sanctions and anti-money laundering checks, external intelligence reports, content and metadata related to relevant exchanges of information between and among individuals, organisations, including emails, voicemail, live chat;
  • records of correspondence and other communications between us, including email, telephone conversations, live chat, instant messages and social media communications;
  • information that we need to support our regulatory obligations, e.g. information about transaction details, purpose of payment, ordering customer information, counterparty/beneficiary information, identification documents, detection of any suspicious and unusual activity and information about parties connected to you or these activities.
  • information about the devices you use to access the Mortgage Intermediary portal, e.g. software and IP address.
\",\n \"

Information we collect from other sources, e.g:

\",\n \"
  • information from third party providers, e.g. client user information collected through 3rd party application service providers that we have a mutual relationship with e.g. accounting software providers who provide you with a service and you have separately agreed with can share information with.
\",\n \"

How we'll use your information

\",\n \"

We'll only use your information where we have your consent or we have another lawful reason for using it. These reasons include where we:

\",\n \"
  • need to pursue our legitimate interests or that of the profile owner you represent (for example, as part of our provision of the Mortgage Intermediary services);
  • need to process the information to carry out an agreement we have with you or the profile owner you represent (as part of our provision of the Mortgage Intermediary services);
  • need to process the information to comply with a legal obligation;
  • believe the use of your information as described is in the public interest e.g. for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime.
\",\n \"

The reasons we use your information include to:

\",\n \"
  • provide you with access to the Portal, including identifying you and carrying out your instructions, sending alerts, service messaging and notification of activities;
  • carrying out credit checks
  • manage and maintain our relationship with you or the profile owner you represent
  • prevent or detect crime including fraud and financial crime, e.g. financing for terrorism and human trafficking;
  • security and business continuity and risk management;
  • product and service improvement, including data analytics to better understand how you use our services, and to respond to any service issues you may have;
  • protect our legal rights and comply with our legal obligations;
  • marketing relevant products or services, where permitted;
  • system or product development and planning, audit and administrative purposes.
\",\n \"

Tracking or recording what you say or do

\",\n \"

We may record details of your interactions with us, including emails, telephone conversations, live chats, video chats and any other kinds of communication. We may use these recordings to check your instructions to us, assess, analyse and improve our service, train our people, manage risk or to prevent and detect fraud and other crimes. We may also capture additional information about these interactions, such as information about the devices or software that you use.

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Compliance with laws and regulatory compliance obligations

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We'll use your information to meet our compliance obligations, to comply with other laws and regulations and to share with regulators and other authorities that HSBC Group companies are subject to. This may include using it to help detect or prevent crime (including terrorism financing, money laundering and other financial crimes). We'll only do this on the basis that it's needed to comply with a legal obligation or it's in our legitimate interests and that of others.

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Who we might share your information with

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We may share your information with others where lawful to do so including where we or they:

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  • need to in order to provide you with products or services you've requested, e.g. fulfilling a payment request, sharing information with third party vendors who we may utilise;
  • have a public or legal duty to do so, e.g. to assist with detecting and preventing fraud, tax evasion and financial crime;
  • need to in connection with regulatory reporting, litigation or asserting or defending legal rights and interests;
  • have a legitimate business reason for doing so, e.g. sharing your information and information about your use of your account with the profile owner you represent as part of our provision of the Mortgage Intermediary services;
  • to manage risk, verify your identity, enable another company to provide you with services you've requested, or assess your suitability for products and services;
  • have asked you for your permission to share it, and you've agreed.
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We may share your information for these purposes with others including the profile owner you represent, any other HSBC group companies and any sub-contractors, agents or service providers who work for us or provide services to us or other HSBC Group companies (including their employees, sub-contractors, service providers, directors and officers). This includes sharing your information with third party information providers operating in financial markets where required in connection with their services.

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How long we'll keep your information

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We keep your information in line with our data retention policy, for example, we'll normally keep core banking data for a period of seven years from the end of our relationship with you.

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This enables us to comply with legal and regulatory requirements or use it where we need to for our legitimate purposes such as managing your account and dealing with any disputes or concerns that may arise. We may need to retain your information for a longer period where we need the information to comply with regulatory or legal requirements or where we may need it for our legitimate purposes e.g. to help us respond to queries or complaints, fighting fraud and financial crime, responding to requests from regulators, etc. If we don't need to retain information for this period of time, we may destroy, delete or anonymise it more promptly.

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Transferring your information overseas

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Your information may be transferred to and stored in locations outside the European Economic Area (EEA), including countries that may not have the same level of protection for personal information. When we do this, we'll ensure it has an appropriate level of protection and that the transfer is lawful. We may need to transfer your information in this way to carry out our contract with you, to fulfil a legal obligation, to protect the public interest and / or for our legitimate interests. In some countries the law might compel us to share certain information, e.g. with tax authorities. Even in these cases, we'll only share your information with people who have the right to see it. You can obtain more details of the protection given to your information when it is transferred outside the EEA by contacting us using the details in the 'More details about your information' section below.

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Your rights

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You have a number of rights in relation to the information that we hold about you. These rights include:

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  • the right to access information we hold about you and to obtain information about how we process it;
  • in some circumstances, the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your information, which you can do at any time. We may continue to process your information if we have another legitimate reason for doing so, although this may impact your ability to continue to have access to our products and services;
  • in some circumstances, the right to receive certain information in an electronic format and/or request we transmit it to a third party where this is technically feasible. The right only applies to information provided to us.
  • the right to request that we rectify your information if it's inaccurate or incomplete;
  • in some circumstances, the right to request that we erase your information. We may continue to retain your information if we are entitled or required to retain it; and
  • the right to object to, and to request that we restrict, our processing of your information in some circumstances. Again, there may be situations where you object to, or ask us to restrict, our processing of your information but we are entitled to continue processing your information and / or to refuse that request.
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You can exercise your rights by contacting us using the details set out below. You may also have a right to complain to the relevant data protection regulator in the country in which you live or work.

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How we keep your information secure

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We use a range of measures to keep your information safe and secure which may include encryption and other forms of security. We require our staff and any third parties who carry out any work on our behalf to comply with appropriate compliance standards including obligations to protect any information and applying appropriate measures for the use and transfer of information.

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More details about your information

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If you'd like further information on anything we've said in this notice, or to contact our Data Protection Officer where applicable, please contact your usual HSBC representative. This Privacy Notice may be updated from time to time. We will post any updates on this page.

\",\n ]\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Customer Privacy Notice\",\n \"id\": \"Customer-privacy-notice\",\n \"children\": [\n \"

Our Privacy Notice

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For information on our Customer Privacy Notice, please click on the following link:

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\"\n ]\n },\n ]\n}"],"sourceRoot":""}