\n Changes to our mortgage products
\n With effect from Tuesday 3 September 2024 we will be making the following changes to our range:
\n \n Summary of changes\n
\n \n We have removed from sale our 3 Year Fixed offering across UK Residential First Time Buyer, Homemover and\n Remortgage range until further notice. We have also removed cashback on our First Time Buyer Range at 60%, 70% and\n 75% LTV range until further notice.\n
\n \n UK Residential Existing Customer Switching Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 10 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 10 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential Existing Customer Borrowing More Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 10 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 10 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential First Time Buyer Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential First Time Buyer Energy Efficient Home Range (A & B EPC Rated Properties)\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential Home Mover Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential Home Mover Energy Efficient Home Range (A & B EPC Rated Properties)\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential Remortgage Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential Remortgage Energy Efficient Home Range (A & B EPC Rated Properties)\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential Remortgage Cashback Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Buy to Let Existing Customer Switching Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Buy to Let Existing Customer Borrowing More Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Buy to Let Purchase Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed £1999 Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed £3999 Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed £1999 Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed £3999 Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Buy to Let Remortgage Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed £1999 Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed £3999 Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed £3999 Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n \n International Residential Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n \n International Buy to Let Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n There are no other changes to any other interest rates.
\n An updated mortgage rate sheet will be published on Tuesday 3 September 2024 to reflect these changes.
\n \n);\n\nexport default Article;\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport { Link } from \"gatsby\";\nimport { triggerTealiumEvent } from \"../../utils/tealiumUtils\";\nimport { useLocation } from \"@reach/router\";\nimport { MenuContext } from \"../../context\";\n\nconst GeneralAnchor = ({\n children,\n isBlank,\n href,\n isLink = false,\n target,\n ariaLabel = \"\",\n referrer,\n isRed,\n downloadTitle,\n onClick,\n additionalClass,\n noClass = false,\n}) => {\n const menuContext = useContext(MenuContext);\n const location = useLocation();\n\n const extractTextFromChildren = (children) => {\n switch (true) {\n case typeof children === \"string\":\n return children;\n case React.isValidElement(children):\n return extractTextFromChildren(children.props.children);\n case Array.isArray(children):\n return children.map(extractTextFromChildren).join(\" \");\n default:\n return \"\";\n }\n };\n\n const handleClick = (e) => {\n if (typeof window === \"undefined\" || !window.utag) return;\n\n const textContent = extractTextFromChildren(children).trim();\n const commonData = {\n tealiumEvent: \"link\",\n pageUrl: location.href,\n eventCategory: \"content\",\n pageType: \"product information\",\n };\n\n const events = {\n \"/resources\": {\n eventAction: \"download\",\n eventContent: `download: ${textContent.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)$/, \"\")}`,\n pageName: \"resources\",\n pageSubCategory: \"resources\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v51\",\n },\n \"/packaging-requirements\": isLink\n ? {\n eventAction: \"download\",\n eventContent: `download: ${textContent.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)$/, \"\")}`,\n pageName: \"packaging requirements\",\n pageSubCategory: \"packaging requirements\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v77\",\n }\n : {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `contact us | packaging requirements : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"packaging requirements\",\n pageSubCategory: \"packaging requirements\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v75\",\n },\n \"/broker-support\": {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `support actions | broker support : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"broker support\",\n pageSubCategory: \"broker support\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v33\",\n },\n \"/placing-business\": href.includes(\"frequently-asked-questions\")\n ? {\n eventAction: \"offsite\",\n eventContent: `placing business : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"placing business\",\n pageSubCategory: \"placing business\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v56\",\n }\n : {\n eventAction: \"download\",\n eventContent: `download: ${textContent.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)$/, \"\")}`,\n pageName: \"placing business\",\n pageSubCategory: \"placing business\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v55\",\n },\n \"/newsroom\": href.includes(\"pdfs\")\n ? {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `news : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"newsroom\",\n pageSubCategory: \"newsroom\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v24\",\n }\n : {\n eventAction: \"offsite\",\n eventContent: `news : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"newsroom\",\n pageSubCategory: \"newsroom\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v25\",\n },\n \"/green\": {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `resources | green : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"green\",\n pageSubCategory: \"green\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v86\",\n },\n \"/step-by-step-guide-to-hsbc-mortgages\": {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `contact us | step by step guide to hsbc mortgages : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"step by step guide to hsbc mortgages\",\n pageSubCategory: \"step by step guide to hsbc mortgages\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v81\",\n },\n };\n\n if (location.href.includes(\"essential-reading\")) {\n events[location.pathname] = {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `contact us | ${location.href.replace(/\\/$/, \"\").split(\"/\").pop()} : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"essential reading\",\n pageSubCategory: \"newsroom\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v29\",\n };\n }\n\n const eventData =\n events[location.pathname] || events[`${location.pathname}/`] || events[`${location.pathname.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")}`];\n\n if (eventData) {\n triggerTealiumEvent({ ...commonData, ...eventData });\n }\n\n if (onClick) {\n onClick(e);\n }\n };\n\n return (\n <>\n {isLink === true ? (\n