\n Changes to our mortgage products
\n With effect from Thursday 06 February 2025 we will be making the following changes to our range:
\n \n Summary of changes\n
\n \n UK Residential Existing Customer Switching Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have increased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have increased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 90% LTV has decreased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90% and 95% LTV have increased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% have increased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 95% LTV have increased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80% and 85% LTV have increased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 90% LTV has decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have increased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 90% LTV has decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80% and 85% LTV have increased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 90% LTV has decreased
\n \n UK Residential Existing Customer Borrowing More Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have increased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have increased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 90% LTV has decreased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have increased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% have increased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80% and 85% LTV have increased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80% and 85% LTV have increased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 90% LTV has decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have increased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 90% LTV has decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 60%, 70%, 75%, 80% and 85% LTV have increased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 90% LTV has decreased
\n \n UK Residential First Time Buyer Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 80%, 85%, 90% and 95% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 80, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 90% and 95% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 90% LTV has decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 90% LTV has decreased
\n \n UK Residential First Time Buyer Energy Efficient Home Range (A & B EPC Rated Properties)\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 80%, 85%, 90% and 95% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 80, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 90% and 95% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 90% LTV has decreased
\n \n UK Residential Home Mover Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 80%, 85%, 90% and 95% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 80, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 90% and 95% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 90% LTV has decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 90% LTV has decreased
\n \n UK Residential Home Mover Energy Efficient Home Range (A & B EPC Rated Properties)\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 80%, 85%, 90% and 95% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 80, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 90% and 95% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 90% LTV has decreased
\n \n UK Residential Remortgage Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed High Value Mortgages at 60% has decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 60%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have increased
\n \n UK Residential Remortgage Cashback Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential Remortgage Energy Efficient Home Range (A & B EPC Rated Properties)\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Residential Remortgage Cashback Energy Efficient Home Range (A & B EPC Rated Properties)\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 80%, 85% and 90% LTV have decreased
\n \n UK Buy to Let Existing Customer Switching Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 75% LTV has decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 65% LTV has increased
\n \n UK Buy to Let Existing Customer Borrowing More Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 75% LTV has decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 65% LTV has increased
\n \n UK Buy to Let Remortgage Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard £3,999 fee at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 65% and 75% LTV have decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard at 60% LTV has decreased
\n - 5 Year Fixed Standard £3,999 fee at 60% LTV has decreased
\n \n International Residential Range\n
\n \n - 2 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60% has decreased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Standard at 60% has decreased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Fee Saver at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have increased
\n - 3 Year Fixed Standard at 60%, 70% and 75% LTV have increased
\n - 2 Year Fixed Premier Exclusive at 60% LTV has decreased
\n \n Note: The Premier Standard range is for existing HSBC Premier current account holders only. \n
\n An updated mortgage rate sheet will be published on Thursday 06 February 2025 to reflect these changes.
\n \n);\n\nexport default Article;\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport { Link } from \"gatsby\";\nimport { triggerTealiumEvent } from \"../../utils/tealiumUtils\";\nimport { useLocation } from \"@reach/router\";\nimport { MenuContext } from \"../../context\";\n\nconst GeneralAnchor = ({\n children,\n isBlank,\n href,\n isLink = false,\n target,\n ariaLabel = \"\",\n referrer,\n isRed,\n downloadTitle,\n onClick,\n additionalClass,\n noClass = false,\n}) => {\n const menuContext = useContext(MenuContext);\n const location = useLocation();\n\n const extractTextFromChildren = (children) => {\n switch (true) {\n case typeof children === \"string\":\n return children;\n case React.isValidElement(children):\n return extractTextFromChildren(children.props.children);\n case Array.isArray(children):\n return children.map(extractTextFromChildren).join(\" \");\n default:\n return \"\";\n }\n };\n\n const handleClick = (e) => {\n if (typeof window === \"undefined\" || !window.utag) return;\n\n const textContent = extractTextFromChildren(children).trim();\n const commonData = {\n tealiumEvent: \"link\",\n pageUrl: location.href,\n eventCategory: \"content\",\n pageType: \"product information\",\n };\n\n const events = {\n \"/resources\": {\n eventAction: \"download\",\n eventContent: `download: ${textContent.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)$/, \"\")}`,\n pageName: \"resources\",\n pageSubCategory: \"resources\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v51\",\n },\n \"/packaging-requirements\": isLink\n ? {\n eventAction: \"download\",\n eventContent: `download: ${textContent.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)$/, \"\")}`,\n pageName: \"packaging requirements\",\n pageSubCategory: \"packaging requirements\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v77\",\n }\n : {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `contact us | packaging requirements : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"packaging requirements\",\n pageSubCategory: \"packaging requirements\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v75\",\n },\n \"/broker-support\": {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `support actions | broker support : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"broker support\",\n pageSubCategory: \"broker support\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v33\",\n },\n \"/placing-business\": href.includes(\"frequently-asked-questions\")\n ? {\n eventAction: \"offsite\",\n eventContent: `placing business : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"placing business\",\n pageSubCategory: \"placing business\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v56\",\n }\n : {\n eventAction: \"download\",\n eventContent: `download: ${textContent.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)$/, \"\")}`,\n pageName: \"placing business\",\n pageSubCategory: \"placing business\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v55\",\n },\n \"/newsroom\": href.includes(\"pdfs\")\n ? {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `news : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"newsroom\",\n pageSubCategory: \"newsroom\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v24\",\n }\n : {\n eventAction: \"offsite\",\n eventContent: `news : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"newsroom\",\n pageSubCategory: \"newsroom\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v25\",\n },\n \"/green\": {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `resources | green : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"green\",\n pageSubCategory: \"green\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v86\",\n },\n \"/step-by-step-guide-to-hsbc-mortgages\": {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `contact us | step by step guide to hsbc mortgages : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"step by step guide to hsbc mortgages\",\n pageSubCategory: \"step by step guide to hsbc mortgages\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v81\",\n },\n };\n\n if (location.href.includes(\"essential-reading\")) {\n events[location.pathname] = {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `contact us | ${location.href.replace(/\\/$/, \"\").split(\"/\").pop()} : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"essential reading\",\n pageSubCategory: \"newsroom\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v29\",\n };\n }\n\n const eventData =\n events[location.pathname] || events[`${location.pathname}/`] || events[`${location.pathname.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")}`];\n\n if (eventData) {\n triggerTealiumEvent({ ...commonData, ...eventData });\n }\n\n if (onClick) {\n onClick(e);\n }\n };\n\n return (\n <>\n {isLink === true ? (\n