\n \n {\n isNew ? : null\n }\n
\n );\n}\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport GeneralAnchor from \"../general-anchor/general-anchor.component\";\nimport { MenuContext } from \"../../context\";\nimport ContactSvg from \"../../assets/contact.inline.svg\";\nimport PhoneSvg from \"../../assets/phone.inline.svg\";\n\nconst ContactUs = () => {\n const menuContext = useContext(MenuContext);\n return (\n

Contact us

\n \n \n Call our help desk\n \n\n \n \n Find a BDM\n \n
\n );\n};\n\nexport default ContactUs;\n","var React = require('react');\n\nfunction PhoneInline (props) {\n return React.createElement(\"svg\",props,React.createElement(\"path\",{\"d\":\"M13.636 17.999C13.219 17.999 12.799 17.907 12.406 17.719C8.483 15.839 5.55 12.673 5.427 12.539C5.329 12.452 2.162 9.518 0.281999 5.595C-0.237001 4.513 -0.0210015 3.223 0.816999 2.385L2.81 0.391001C3.314 -0.112999 4.192 -0.112999 4.695 0.391001L7.42 3.116C7.939 3.636 7.939 4.481 7.42 5L5.938 6.482C5.892 6.528 5.884 6.602 5.92 6.649C6.48 7.375 7.095 8.074 7.747 8.727L9.272 10.252C9.921 10.9 10.62 11.516 11.35 12.078C11.397 12.115 11.471 12.106 11.517 12.061L13 10.58C13.502 10.078 14.381 10.077 14.884 10.581L17.61 13.307C17.862 13.559 18 13.893 18 14.25C18 14.605 17.861 14.939 17.609 15.19L15.616 17.183C15.082 17.718 14.365 17.999 13.636 17.999ZM3.752 1.205C3.716 1.205 3.68 1.217 3.658 1.238L1.665 3.232C1.186 3.711 1.065 4.453 1.364 5.077C3.145 8.794 6.243 11.662 6.274 11.69C6.338 11.757 9.215 14.859 12.924 16.636C13.547 16.935 14.289 16.813 14.767 16.335L16.8 14.247C16.8 14.223 16.793 14.185 16.761 14.153L14.035 11.427C13.971 11.363 13.912 11.363 13.849 11.427L12.367 12.909C11.895 13.381 11.144 13.432 10.618 13.027C9.847 12.433 9.109 11.784 8.424 11.098L6.899 9.575C6.21 8.887 5.562 8.148 4.97 7.382C4.566 6.857 4.617 6.105 5.089 5.634L6.571 4.152C6.623 4.101 6.623 4.016 6.571 3.964L3.845 1.238C3.823 1.217 3.788 1.205 3.752 1.205Z\",\"fill\":\"#000\"}));\n}\n\nPhoneInline.defaultProps = {\"width\":\"18\",\"height\":\"18\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 18 18\",\"fill\":\"none\",\"role\":\"img\",\"aria-hidden\":\"true\",\"focusable\":\"false\"};\n\nmodule.exports = PhoneInline;\n\nPhoneInline.default = PhoneInline;\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar $trim = require('../internals/string-trim').trim;\nvar forcedStringTrimMethod = require('../internals/string-trim-forced');\n\n// `String.prototype.trim` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.trim\n$({ target: 'String', proto: true, forced: forcedStringTrimMethod('trim') }, {\n trim: function trim() {\n return $trim(this);\n }\n});\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport { Link } from \"gatsby\";\nimport { triggerTealiumEvent } from \"../../utils/tealiumUtils\";\nimport { useLocation } from \"@reach/router\";\nimport { MenuContext } from \"../../context\";\n\nconst GeneralAnchor = ({\n children,\n isBlank,\n href,\n isLink = false,\n target,\n ariaLabel = \"\",\n referrer,\n isRed,\n downloadTitle,\n onClick,\n additionalClass,\n noClass = false,\n}) => {\n const menuContext = useContext(MenuContext);\n const location = useLocation();\n\n const extractTextFromChildren = (children) => {\n switch (true) {\n case typeof children === \"string\":\n return children;\n case React.isValidElement(children):\n return extractTextFromChildren(children.props.children);\n case Array.isArray(children):\n return children.map(extractTextFromChildren).join(\" \");\n default:\n return \"\";\n }\n };\n\n const handleClick = (e) => {\n if (typeof window === \"undefined\" || !window.utag) return;\n\n const textContent = extractTextFromChildren(children).trim();\n const commonData = {\n tealiumEvent: \"link\",\n pageUrl: location.href,\n eventCategory: \"content\",\n pageType: \"product information\",\n };\n\n const events = {\n \"/resources\": {\n eventAction: \"download\",\n eventContent: `download: ${textContent.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)$/, \"\")}`,\n pageName: \"resources\",\n pageSubCategory: \"resources\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v51\",\n },\n \"/packaging-requirements\": isLink\n ? {\n eventAction: \"download\",\n eventContent: `download: ${textContent.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)$/, \"\")}`,\n pageName: \"packaging requirements\",\n pageSubCategory: \"packaging requirements\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v77\",\n }\n : {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `contact us | packaging requirements : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"packaging requirements\",\n pageSubCategory: \"packaging requirements\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v75\",\n },\n \"/broker-support\": {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `support actions | broker support : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"broker support\",\n pageSubCategory: \"broker support\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v33\",\n },\n \"/placing-business\": href.includes(\"frequently-asked-questions\")\n ? {\n eventAction: \"offsite\",\n eventContent: `placing business : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"placing business\",\n pageSubCategory: \"placing business\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v56\",\n }\n : {\n eventAction: \"download\",\n eventContent: `download: ${textContent.replace(/\\s*\\(.*?\\)$/, \"\")}`,\n pageName: \"placing business\",\n pageSubCategory: \"placing business\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v55\",\n },\n \"/newsroom\": href.includes(\"pdfs\")\n ? {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `news : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"newsroom\",\n pageSubCategory: \"newsroom\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v24\",\n }\n : {\n eventAction: \"offsite\",\n eventContent: `news : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"newsroom\",\n pageSubCategory: \"newsroom\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v25\",\n },\n \"/green\": {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `resources | green : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"green\",\n pageSubCategory: \"green\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v86\",\n },\n \"/step-by-step-guide-to-hsbc-mortgages\": {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `contact us | step by step guide to hsbc mortgages : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"step by step guide to hsbc mortgages\",\n pageSubCategory: \"step by step guide to hsbc mortgages\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v81\",\n },\n };\n\n if (location.href.includes(\"essential-reading\")) {\n events[location.pathname] = {\n eventAction: \"onsite\",\n eventContent: `contact us | ${location.href.replace(/\\/$/, \"\").split(\"/\").pop()} : ${textContent}`,\n pageName: \"essential reading\",\n pageSubCategory: \"newsroom\",\n rawDataLayer: \"10451v29\",\n };\n }\n\n const eventData =\n events[location.pathname] || events[`${location.pathname}/`] || events[`${location.pathname.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")}`];\n\n if (eventData) {\n triggerTealiumEvent({ ...commonData, ...eventData });\n }\n\n if (onClick) {\n onClick(e);\n }\n };\n\n return (\n <>\n {isLink === true ? (\n \n {children}\n \n ) : (\n \n {children}\n \n )}\n \n );\n};\n\nexport default GeneralAnchor;\n","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/chris-pearson-1f83092306155f85c6292c40413f99e0.png\";","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar IndexedObject = require('../internals/indexed-object');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar arrayMethodIsStrict = require('../internals/array-method-is-strict');\n\nvar nativeJoin = [].join;\n\nvar ES3_STRINGS = IndexedObject != Object;\nvar STRICT_METHOD = arrayMethodIsStrict('join', ',');\n\n// `Array.prototype.join` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.join\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: ES3_STRINGS || !STRICT_METHOD }, {\n join: function join(separator) {\n return nativeJoin.call(toIndexedObject(this), separator === undefined ? ',' : separator);\n }\n});\n","var React = require('react');\n\nfunction ContactInline (props) {\n return React.createElement(\"svg\",props,React.createElement(\"path\",{\"d\":\"M16.191 12.775C15.993 12.286 15.713 11.831 15.345 11.453C14.47 10.552 13.375 9.87 12.083 9.451L9.01 12.524L5.932 9.445C4.633 9.864 3.533 10.548 2.654 11.453C2.286 11.832 2.006 12.286 1.808 12.775L0 17.25H18L16.191 12.775ZM1.779 16.05L2.921 13.225C3.07 12.857 3.269 12.542 3.514 12.29C3.745 12.052 4.007 11.851 4.272 11.652L6.05 16.05H1.779ZM8.4 16.05H7.344L5.31 11.016C5.42 10.961 5.516 10.889 5.63 10.84L8.163 13.373L8.4 13.61V16.05ZM9.6 16.05V13.632L9.859 13.373L12.385 10.847C12.499 10.897 12.595 10.969 12.705 11.024L10.674 16.051H9.6V16.05ZM13.742 11.662C14.001 11.858 14.259 12.056 14.485 12.289C14.73 12.541 14.93 12.856 15.079 13.225L16.221 16.05H11.969L13.742 11.662ZM9.01 9.25C11.459 9.25 12.5 6.952 12.5 4.891C12.5 2.751 11.479 0.75 9.01 0.75C6.541 0.75 5.5 2.732 5.5 4.891C5.5 7.011 6.52 9.25 9.01 9.25ZM9.01 1.95C11.077 1.95 11.3 4.007 11.3 4.891C11.3 6.064 10.818 8.05 9.01 8.05C6.811 8.05 6.7 5.419 6.7 4.891C6.7 4.007 6.925 1.95 9.01 1.95Z\",\"fill\":\"#000\"}));\n}\n\nContactInline.defaultProps = {\"width\":\"18\",\"height\":\"18\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 18 18\",\"fill\":\"none\",\"role\":\"img\",\"aria-hidden\":\"true\",\"focusable\":\"false\"};\n\nmodule.exports = ContactInline;\n\nContactInline.default = ContactInline;\n","import React from \"react\";\n\nconst RateSheet = ({href, date, onClick}) => {\n return (\n

Historic rates displayed on the below pdf are for information only, therefore any associated product codes will not be active on the broker platform.


\n \n Rate sheet {date}.\n \n

\n );\n};\n\nexport default RateSheet;\n","var fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar whitespaces = require('../internals/whitespaces');\n\nvar non = '\\u200B\\u0085\\u180E';\n\n// check that a method works with the correct list\n// of whitespaces and has a correct name\nmodule.exports = function (METHOD_NAME) {\n return fails(function () {\n return !!whitespaces[METHOD_NAME]() || non[METHOD_NAME]() != non || whitespaces[METHOD_NAME].name !== METHOD_NAME;\n });\n};\n","import React from 'react';\n\nimport NewsArticle from '../../../components/news-article/news-article.component'\n\nimport '../../../styles/app.scss';\n\nimport ChrisPearsonPNG from '../../../assets/images/chris-pearson.png';\n\nconst Article = () => (\n \n

Comment from HSBC UK’s Head of Intermediary Mortgages, Chris Pearson


According to Wikipedia “The show must go on” is a phrase used in showbiz meaning that regardless of what happens, whatever show has been planned still has to be staged for the waiting patrons. It was also one of the many successful songs by Freddie Mercury and Queen when I was growing up. But it is a phrase that really typifies our approach during the pandemic.


Not only have we maintained a high level of support to our broker partners throughout the most testing times of the pandemic, with operations across the globe providing 24/7 support, we have in fact accelerated our broker on-boarding, and have now reached the milestone of 300 broker partners. An achievement I am extremely proud of.

\n \"Chris\n

Considering we had 176 at the start of the pandemic, adding 124 brokers to hit the 300 mark in under 11 months is quite an achievement, especially as we have all been working from home and dealing with home-schooling, shielding and self-isolation, like everyone else. I take my hat off to my team for the progress that has been made.


To take a step back, we embarked on partnering with brokers in late 2014 to ensure we’re there to serve customers irrespective of their channel of choice. Midland Bank, as we were known then, started offering mortgages just over 40 years ago and were wholly focused on being a direct only mortgage provider. That worked for us for a long time but we were missing out on a massive part of the market.


We didn’t want to bite off more than we could chew, offer attractive rates and not be able to provide those mortgages in a timely way. That wouldn’t have helped us, brokers or their clients who wanted to move onto or up the property ladder. We made a conscious and logical decision to steadily grow that side of the business to make sure we were had smooth growth and were always able to deliver a top quality service to our broker partners.


Since progressing from being a direct-only mortgage provider we have continually evolved in the way we work with brokers in virtually every way. At the beginning we introduced a dedicated broker portal and website, replacing our antiquated system, improved how we could be contacted through live chat and introduced mobile BDMs.


We have been able to streamline how we work in virtually every way, removing friction and embracing technology, all of which has helped us reduce our average time to offer from seven weeks a few years ago to just over one now. We have come a long way in a relatively short period of time.


There have been challenges, hurdles, obstacles and difficulties along the way, with the pandemic presenting challenges that have never been seen before in our industry.


The first challenge for us was enabling our workforce to work effectively from home, not just in the UK, but also in Manila and Hyderabad too. Within a week of lockdown we were managing our broker applications effectively, but like other businesses childcare, quarantine, self-isolation and shielding brought additional challenges.


The development of a payment holiday option, something we hadn’t offered until then, was done and up and running within two weeks, and I know brokers were fighting fires on that front too, trying to keep their clients up to speed on movements across the industry. We have now helped over 60k mortgage customers with payment holidays.


‘Lockdown 1’ presented uncharted difficulties in the valuation of properties, so a move towards more automated valuations was brought forward to keep the cogs turning and we re-started physical valuations as soon as the lockdown rules eased.


Communication with brokers was key. We increased our broker Live Chat functionality to allow case updates and have had over 35,000 conversations with our brokers, this is in addition to answering 240k calls during this time.


Communicating changes that were needed surrounding furloughed applicants or those with reduced income were important in addition to making processes easier, like removing the need for original certified documents to be provided as common sense told us they weren’t particularly viable.


We were adamant that we would stay in the 90% LTV space for as long as we could to help support the mortgage market. We had to make certain changes to ensure we were able to work our pipeline of business, but it got to a stage where we were not able to. So for a short time, and with a heavy heart, we withdrew from the market. From the new year we returned, and have recently reinstated the inclusion of overtime, commission and bonuses to support a mortgage application, which will be important for many.


Lockdowns 2 and 3 have had their own difficulties for us, like every other business, but hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel. We know there has been a lot of change over the last year, policies, LTIs, and even restrictions in lending and keeping abreast of everything that has been going on will have been a mammoth task, but you have and you should be rightly proud.


No-one should under-estimate the vital role that brokers play. Many brokers will have an established relationship with their clients, helping them with diverse financial needs or a full market check, but like our own in-house advisers, also giving home-buyers, especially first-timers, important peace of mind during what can be a complex and daunting process. They are even more relied upon now, helping people navigate the, often, rapidly changing policies and options available to them at this difficult time.


Whilst we’ll always look to provide a comprehensive range of competitive products, our service is at the heart of everything we do. Listening to brokers and trying to help with every case, quickly and efficiently, always with the most appropriate point of contact to chat through a case when needed.


We want to be known in the market for more than our attractive mortgage rates. We want to be seen to be providing brokers with great service, swift turnaround times and providing what we say we will when we say we will.


In order to do that to keep up with demand we have increased the size of our broker-facing teams to nearly 200 people, so whether it is face-to-face support, over the phone help or providing a resolution by live chat, we’re always here to help. Thanks to our international presence and global footprint, we are processing documents, making underwriting decisions and making mortgage offers day and night.


The fact we won 20 industry awards recognising both collective and personal excellence during 2020 shows that we must be doing something right. We really do appreciate the recognition, it is the cherry on the cake to know that our efforts are noticed and valued.


2021 will see HSBC UK continue to push the boundaries and support our broker partners through whatever this year holds in store and beyond.


We are delighted we were able to maintain a high level of support throughout the most testing of times during the height of the pandemic in 2020 and we know that our broker partnerships are enduring through the good times as well as the more challenging times. We’ll be there to support.

\n)\n\nexport default Article\n"],"sourceRoot":""}